Warum wurde Sir Francis Drake zum Ritter geschlagen?

Warum wurde Sir Francis Drake zum Ritter geschlagen?

Weil er während dieser Fahrt mehrere spanische Schiffe geplündert hatte, klagte ihn der spanische Gesandte bei seiner Rückkehr in London der Seeräuberei an. Doch Königin Elisabeth I wies die Klage zurück und schlug Francis Drake sogar zum Ritter. Fortan durfte er sich also „Sir“ Francis Drake nennen.

Welchen Begriff beschreibt Sir Francis Drake?

Sir Francis Drake (* um 1540 in Tavistock, Devon; † 28. Januar 1596 bei Portobelo, Panama) war ein englischer Freibeuter und Entdecker, später Vizeadmiral und der erste englische Weltumsegler.

Wo starb Sir Francis Drake?

Portobelo, PanamaFrancis Drake / Sterbeort

Who was Sir Francis Drake’s father?

He was the oldest of the twelve sons of Edmund Drake (1518–1585), a Protestant farmer, and his wife Mary Mylwaye. The first son was alleged to have been named after his godfather Francis Russell, 2nd Earl of Bedford.

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What is the name of the British TV series about Drake?

British television series. Sir Francis Drake (aka The Adventures of Sir Francis Drake) is a 1961-1962 British adventure television series starring Terence Morgan as Sir Francis Drake, commander of the sailing ship the Golden Hind. As well as battles at sea and sword fights, the series also deals with intrigue at Queen Elizabeth’s court.

What happened to Christopher Drake’s fleet?

Drake’s fleet suffered great attrition; he scuttled both Christopher and the flyboat Swan due to loss of men on the Atlantic crossing. He made landfall at the gloomy bay of San Julian, in what is now Argentina. Ferdinand Magellan had called here half a century earlier, where he put to death some mutineers.

What was the reward for the capture of Sir Drake?

Drake’s exploits made him a hero to the English, but his privateering led the Spanish to brand him a pirate, known to them as El Draque. King Philip II of Spain allegedly offered a reward of 20,000 ducats for his capture or death, about £6 million (US$8 million) in modern currency.

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