Was bedeutet Australopithecus auf Deutsch?

Was bedeutet Australopithecus auf Deutsch?

Australopithecus ist ein Kunstwort. Die Bezeichnung der Gattung ist abgeleitet aus lat. australis („südlich“, wegen des Fundortes im südafrikanischen Ort Taung) und griech. ausgesprochen píthēkos („Affe“); Australopithecus bedeutet sinngemäß also „südlicher Affe“.

Was aß der Australopithecus?

Die Phytolithen gaben Auskunft über den Speiseplan der beiden Australopithecinen: Ihre Nahrung enthielt Baumrinde, Blätter, Seggen, Gräser, Früchte und Bestandteile von Palmen. „Persönlich fand ich es überraschend, dass unsere frühen Vorfahren Baumrinde aßen“, sagt Berger.

What is the meaning of australopithecine?

Definition of australopithecine.: any of various extinct hominids (genera Australopithecus and Paranthropus) that existed two to four million years ago in southern and eastern Africa and include gracile and robust forms exhibiting bipedal locomotion, near-human dentition, and relatively small brains.

What is the difference between Australopithecus and Ardipithecus?

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Australopithecus is a member of the subtribe Australopithecina, which also includes Ardipithecus, though the term „australopithecine“ is sometimes used to refer only to members of Australopithecus. Species include A. garhi, A. africanus, A. sediba, A. afarensis, A. anamensis, A. bahrelghazali and A. deyiremeda.

What is the difference between australopithecine and Paranthropus?

The terms australopithecine, et al., come from a former classification as members of a distinct subfamily, the Australopithecinae. Members of Australopithecus are sometimes referred to as the gracile australopithecines, while Paranthropus are called the „robust australopithecines“.

Are humans descended from australopithecines?

Humans (genus Homo) may have descended from australopithecine ancestors and the genus Ardipithecus is a possible ancestor of the australopithecines.