Was bedeutet das Wort Rambo?

Was bedeutet das Wort Rambo?

1. 2. Raufbold, Schlägertyp, Rowdy, Streitsüchtiger, Unruhestifter, Hooligan, Rambo, Streithahn, Rabauke, Streithammel…

Wie heißt Rambo mit richtigem Namen?


Rolle Darsteller Sprecher
John J. Rambo Sylvester Stallone Jürgen Prochnow
Carmen Delgado Paz Vega Carolina Vera
Don Miguel Rick Zingale Reinhard Scheunemann
Gabrielle Yvette Monreal Jodie Blank

Woher kommt der Name Rambo?

Legenden über die Herkunft des Namens Rambow Ein andere Erklärung gibt an, „Rambo“ sei ein Lehnwort aus dem Japanischen , wo Ranbo (??? „ungezügelte Gewalt“ bedeutet.

Ist Rambo ein Name?

Namensherkunft. Rambo ist ein althochdeutscher Name, als typische Kurzform des Frühmittelalters über Rambod zu Rambald/Rambold oder Rambert. Er setzt sich aus den Wörtern hraban „Rabe“ und einem maskulinen Kürzel -o für die Silben bald „kühn“ oder beraht „glänzend, ruhmreich“ zusammen.

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Wie viel teile Rambo gibt es?

Rambo II – Der Auftrag (1985) Rambo III (1988) John Rambo (Film) (2008) Rambo: Last Blood (2019)

What is the etymology of the word Rambo?

Etymology. „Rambo“ is also the name of an old farm in Vestfold county, Norway („Rambøe“ 1664, „Ramboe“ 1723) – and about 65 people in Norway have Rambo as a family name. The Norse form of the name might have been * Hrafnabú. The first element is then the genitive pluralis of hrafn m ‚raven‘, and the last element is bú n ‚farm‘.

Is Rambo based on a true story?

Rambo is a 2008 American action film directed and co-written by Sylvester Stallone, based on the character John Rambo created by author David Morrell for his novel First Blood.

What is the name of John Rambo’s father?

R. Rambo’s rusted mailbox. Reevis Rambo is a Native American man and the father of John Rambo and the husband of Helga Rambo. He was born in 1922. He lived on a horse farm in Arizona and has never been seen on the movies.

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How much did the first Rambo movie make?

The first film in the series, First Blood, is an adaptation of the 1972 novel First Blood by David Morrell. The film series has grossed $819 million in total, with the most successful film, Rambo: First Blood Part II, grossing $300 million. Stallone co-wrote the screenplays of all five films, and directed Rambo.