Was bedeutet die Abkurzung Gcse?

Was bedeutet die Abkürzung Gcse?

Abkürzungen. General Certificate of Secondary Education [Abk.: GCSE ] [BILDUNGSW.]

Wann Gcse?

a) GCSE (Mittlere Reife) Klasse (9. und 10. Klasse in Deutschland) – belegen die Schüler acht bis fünfzehn Fächer. Das Gesamtangebot umfasst dabei meist mehr als 50 Fächer.

Was ist ein Realschulabschluss in England?

Die GCSE’s (General Certificate of Secondary Education) In Großbritannien wird der Mittlere Reife Abschluss über zwei Jahre vorbereitet – in der 9. Und 10. Klasse.

Was sind die Gcse?

Das General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) und das International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) entsprechen in England, Wales und Nordirland etwa dem deutschen mittleren Schulabschluss. Schüler absolvieren in der Regel in acht bis fünfzehn Fächern GCSE-Prüfungen.

Wie heißt der Abschluss in England?

Das Advanced Level (General Certificate of Education Advanced Level), meist abgekürzt als A-level, ist neben dem International Baccalaureate (IB) der höchste Abschluss des Schulsystems in England, Wales und Nordirland. In Schottland entspricht ihm das Advanced Higher Grade.

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What is EU equivalent to GCSE in Germany?

EU Qualification Equivalences. GERMANY.  Hauptschulabschluss (awarded on completion of year 10) is considered comparable to GCSE (grades A*-C / 9-4), for every subject passed, where grades of 1-4 are obtained.

What are GCSEs and O levels?

It’s a replacement for the old O (Ordinary) Levels and CSEs (Certificate of Secondary Education) many of us had to take when we were children, long, long ago. GCSEs were first taught in 1986 and the first GCSE exams took place in 1988.

What does GCSE stand for in education?

The initials GCSE stand for General Certificate of Secondary Education. It’s a replacement for the old O (Ordinary) Levels and CSEs (Certificate of Secondary Education) many of us had to take when we were children, long, long ago. GCSEs were first taught in 1986 and the first GCSE exams took place in 1988. Which subjects are compulsory in GCSEs?

What is the difference between GCSE and Leaving Certificate?

Leaving Certificate is considered comparable to GCSE (grades A*-C or 9-4), when STANDARD LEVEL grade have been awarded Leaving Certificate Applied Is considered comparable to BTEC Level 2 standard Leaving Certificate is considered comparable to AS Level (grades A*-C / 9-4), when HIGHER LEVEL grade have been awarded

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