Was befindet sich in der Urania?

Was befindet sich in der Urania?

Das zwischen 2000 und 2003 erneuerte Urania-Gebäude enthält heute die Volkshochschule, eine Sternwarte, ein Kino, das Urania-Puppentheater und ein Café-Bar-Restaurant.

Wann wurde die Urania gebaut?


Was ist ein Urania?

Urania (altgriechisch Οὐρανία Ouranía, Betonung lateinisch und deutsch auf der zweiten Silbe: Urania) ist in der griechischen Mythologie die Muse der Sternkunde (Astronomie) – namentlich abgeleitet von Uranos, dem Himmel in Göttergestalt.

Welches sind die Musen?

Die Musen (altgriechisch Μοῦσαι Moúsai, Einzahl Μοῦσα Moúsa) sind in der griechischen Mythologie Schutzgöttinnen der Künste. Die Überlieferung der uns heute bekannten neun Musen stammt von Hesiod.

What does Urania mean?

In Greek mythology Urania was the muse of Astronomy and was another name for Aphrodite the goddess of love and beauty. Geologists refer to the area as Urania Gap, being a depression between the Arthurton-Maitland ridge to the north and the Mount Rat ridge on the south and an outlet for the Yorke Valley.

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Why is Ourania called the muse of astronomy?

Just as Ouranus is often referred to as Uranus, so Ourania is also referred to as Urania, but the name means the same in either case, for it is most commonly translated as “Heavenly”. It is logical, therefore, that Ourania is the Muse of Astronomy.

What does Ourania mean in Greek mythology?

OURANIA IN GREEK MYTHOLOGY. ​Ourania was the Greek goddess of Astronomy, a daughter of Zeus and one of the Younger Muses. ​Ourania is one of the nine Younger Muses, daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne; Zeus having visited Mnemosyne on nine consecutive nights.

What would Ourania and the younger muses do?

Additionally though, Ourania and the other Younger Muses would entertain other gods, to sing, dance and retell stories, especially about the greatness of Zeus.