Was erfindet John Napier?

Was erfindet John Napier?

Lord JOHN NAPIER OF MERCHISTON (1550 bis 1617) (Ihm zu Ehren lautet die Einheit der Dämpfung von Schwingungen 1 Neper.) JOHN NAPIER entdeckte gemeinsam mit dem Schweizer JOBST BÜRGI (1552 bis 1632), aber unabhängig von ihm, die Logarithmen und veröffentlichte 1614 die erste Logarithmentafel.

Was wurde 1614 erfunden?

Napier und der Schweizer Jost Bürgi entwickelten etwa gleichzeitig, jedoch unabhängig voneinander, den Logarithmus als ein Rechenhilfsmittel (1614, 1620), das jahrhundertelang in Gebrauch war.

Was zeichnet John Napier aus?

JOHN NAPIER (bzw. latinisiert NEPER) ist neben dem Schweizer JOST BÜRGI einer der Erfinder der Logarithmen und schuf damit eine wesentliche Grundlage für die Entwicklung von Rechenhilfsmitteln. Darüber hinaus veröffentlichte NAPIER Arbeiten über sphärische Trigonometrie.

Was war 1614?

Adriaen Block unternimmt eine Entdeckungsreise im Osten Nordamerikas. die erste Logarithmentafel. Beim Fettmilch-Aufstand in der Freien Reichsstadt Frankfurt am Main kommt es zu Plünderungen in der Judengasse.

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Who is John Napier and what did he do?

John Napier. John Napier was a Scottish mathematician and astronomer, best known for the invention of logarithms. He was born into the Scottish nobility in 1550; his father was Sir Archibald Napier of Merchiston Castle, and his mother, Janet Bothwell, was the daughter of a member of Parliament.

Who was Archibald Napier?

Archibald Napier was a justice-depute and was knighted in 1565. He was appointed Master of the Mint in 1582. Before continuing we should comment on the spelling of John Napier. The name John is most easily dealt with as John Napier, and almost everyone else around his time, used the old spelling „Jhone“.

Who was Sir Francis Napier’s father?

His father was Sir Archibald Napier. He was a very intelligent child and was admitted in the University of St. Andrews when he was thirteen years old in 1563. While at university, he lived in St Salvator’s College and the Principal of the University, John Rutherford took personal care of him.

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What happened to John Napier of Merchiston?

John Napier. Napier died from the effects of gout at home at Merchiston Castle and his remains were buried in the kirkyard of St Giles. Following the loss of the kirkyard there to build Parliament House, he was memorialised at St Cuthbert’s at the west side of Edinburgh.