Was geschah in Deutschland 1890?

Was geschah in Deutschland 1890?

Das Jahr 1890 gilt als Beginn der Entstehung des Jugendstils und als Beginn der Wiener Moderne. Zu Jahresbeginn wurde im Deutschen Reich eine Vorlage der Regierung über die Verlängerung des Sozialistengesetzes abgelehnt. Es waren 167 Stimmen gegen 98 Stimmen.

Was war 1835 in Deutschland?

1. Januar: Das erste Bahnbetriebswerk Deutschlands wird eröffnet. 5. Mai: In Belgien wird die erste rein dampfbetriebene Eisenbahnlinie auf dem europäischen Kontinent zwischen Brüssel und Mechelen in Betrieb genommen.

Was war 1905 in Deutschland?

Januar: Die deutsche Kolonie Togoland wird in Togo umbenannt. 2. Januar: Deutsche Truppen erstürmen die Festung der Nama in der Kolonie Deutsch-Südwestafrika. 20. Juli: In Deutsch-Ostafrika bricht der Maji-Maji-Aufstand aus.

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What were the events in the year 1890 in Germany?

Events in the year 1890 in Germany . Cameroon (Kamerun) – Eugen von Zimmerer (acting governor) (2nd term) to (17 April), then Markus Graf Pfeil, to 3 August, then Kurz (acting governor) to December 2, then Jesko von Puttkamer (acting governor) (2nd term) This section needs expansion. You can help by adding to it. (October 2011)

Why was Germany so powerful between 1890 and 1914?

Germany had also begun to establish itself as the most powerful military force in Europe. Political change did not take place as quickly as industrialisation and Germany between 1890-1914 was dominated by wealthy Prussian land owners and the Kaiser, who was himself a Prussian noble.

What territories did Germany buy from Spain in 1899?

Germany took advantage of this and a lease for 90 years of about 202 square miles of territory in China. In 1899, Germany purchased from Spain the Caroline Islands in the Pacific. During 1899-1999, Germany got the two largest Islands of Samoa.

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What did Germany do in the early 1900s?

In 1900, Germany participated in the action against the Boxer Rising in China. In 1899, German bankers got from the Sultan of Turkey some concessions for the building of railways up to Baghdad. German settlers were established in Brazil.