Was geschah mit Commander Cody nach der Order 66?

Was geschah mit Commander Cody nach der Order 66?

Die Kommandodroiden gingen im Glauben, Cody und Rex seien bei der Explosion getötet worden, zurück in die Basis. Kurze Zeit später trafen Cody und Rex in einem Krater auf die überlebenden Rekruten, woraufhin ein Rishi-Aal auftauchte und die Klone angriff. Rex tötete diesen mit einem gezielten Schuss.

Was hat Commander Cody auf dem Rücken?

Am Rücken hat Cody eine Öffnung, dort kann man die beigelegte Rückeneinheit einstecken.

Wer hat die meisten Jedis getötet?

Darth Vader marschiert mit der 501. Legion in den Jedi-Tempel Auf Coruscant drang die 501. Legion unter dem Kommando von Commander Appo gemeinsam mit Darth Vader in den Jedi-Tempel ein. Sie töteten zahlreiche Jedi, inklusive der Jünglinge.

Who is Cody from Star Wars?

This article is about the character Cody from Star Wars. For other characters, see Cody. Commander Cody (birth number CC-2224) is a clone marshal commander who fought alongside Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi and is the leader of the 212th Attack Battalion. He is also commander of the Third Systems Army, 7th Sky Corps, and Ghost Company.

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What happened to Commander Cody after the Clone Wars?

Commander Cody survived through the end of the Clone Wars well into the Imperial period. He retained an officer rank, and was partially responsible for the training of the next generation of Imperial soldiers. But, there was a small problem.

What weapons does Cody have in Star Wars?

Expert Hand-To-Hand Combatant: As a Clone Commander, Cody is extremely skilled in unarmed combat. Expert Marksman: As a Clone Commander, Cody is extremely skilled in utilizing blaster pistols and blaster rifles.

What color is Cody’s armor in Clone Wars?

During the first half of the Clone Wars, Cody wore Phase I Clone Trooper Armor, as all troopers did. It was painted with orange markings to match his battalion’s color scheme, though dirt and dust had already worn out some of the colors only months into the war.