Was hat Cate Blanchett gespielt?

Was hat Cate Blanchett gespielt?

Für ihre Darstellung der Katharine Hepburn in Martin Scorseses Filmbiografie Aviator (2004) erhielt sie den Oscar als beste Nebendarstellerin und für ihre Rolle in dem Woody-Allen-Film Blue Jasmine (2013) den Oscar als beste Hauptdarstellerin. Daneben tritt Blanchett auch als Theaterschauspielerin in Erscheinung.

Was bekommt Frodo von Galadriel?

Beim Abschied der Gemeinschaft des Ringes aus Lothlórien erhielt Frodo Beutlin die Phiole von Galadriel als Abschiedsgeschenk. Es wird berichtet: Sie (Galadriel) hielt eine kleine Phiole aus Kristall hoch, die glitzerte, als Galadriel sie bewegte und Strahlen weißen Lichts sprühten von ihrer Hand.

Was sagt Gandalf zu Frodo in Moria?

Gandalf: “Ein Zauberer kommt nie zu spät, Frodo Beutlin, ebenso wenig zu früh. Er trifft genau dann ein, wenn er es beabsichtigt. “ “A wizard is never late, Frodo Baggins.

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Who is Galadriel in The Hobbit?

Galadriel was an elven Lady who witnessed Middle-earth during the Three Ages of the Sun. Galadriel was born in Valinor as one of the Noldor, being the daughter of Finarfin and younger sister to Finrod Felagund (later King of Nargothrond ), Angrod, and Aegnor.

What is the history of Galadriel?

Galadriel were an Australian progressive rock group formed in 1969 by Garry Adams on guitar and vocals, Doug Bligh on drums (both ex-House of Bricks), Gary Lothian on lead guitar (ex-Elliot Gordon Union), Mick Parker on bass guitar and flute (ex-Samael Lilith), and John „Spider“ Scholtens on lead vocals.

Is Galadriel married to Celeborn?

Galadriel married her husband Lord Celeborn and together ruled the magical forest Lothlórien. Galadriel, along with the other Elves, received a Ring of Power during the Second Age. Her Ring was called Nenya, the Ring of Water.

What does Galadriel do in The Fellowship of the Ring?

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Galadriel narrates the opening prologue to The Fellowship of the Ring, describing the War of the Ring and the initial defeat of Sauron. She is shown receiving one of the elven Rings of Power. Galadriel appears in person later when the Fellowship arrive in Lórien, greeting them alongside her husband Celeborn.