Was hat Leonardo DiCaprio erreicht?

Was hat Leonardo DiCaprio erreicht?

Für seine Darstellungen in Aviator, The Wolf of Wall Street und The Revenant wurde DiCaprio jeweils als bester Hauptdarsteller mit dem Golden Globe ausgezeichnet, zudem wurde er acht weitere Male nominiert. Seit 2005 zählt Leonardo DiCaprio immer wieder zum Favoritenkreis bei der Vergabe der Oscars.

Was macht Leonardo DiCaprio aus?

Besonderheiten von Leonardo DiCaprio DiCaprio setzt sich für den Umweltschutz und gegen die globale Erwärmung ein. Außerdem besitzt er eine Produktionsfirma, die an den Filmen „Orphan – Das Waisenkind“ (2009) und „Red Riding Hood“ (2011) beteiligt war.

Wo lebt Leonardo DiCaprio jetzt?

Los Feliz
Echo Park
Leonardo DiCaprio/Bisherige Wohnorte

Wie lebt Leonardo DiCaprio?

What ethnicity is Leonardo DiCaprio?

Leonardo DiCaprio. The only child of comic artist and producer George DiCaprio and Irmelin, Leonardo DiCaprio was born on the 11th of November, 1974, and he is of Italian, German and Russian descent. His father is of German and Italian descent while his maternal grandfather is from Germany and his Russian-born grandmother is a German citizen.

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Where did Leonardo DiCaprio grow up?

Leonardo DiCaprio is a well-established actor who has made quite an impact in the film industry. He was born on November 11, 1974 in Los Angeles, California and just recently turned 39. Leonardo grew up as an only child to parents George and Irmelin DiCaprio who quickly noticed his talent and aspiration to be different.

What is Leonardo DiCaprio birth date?

Leonardo DiCaprio Name: Leonardo DiCaprio Date of Birth: November 11, 1974 Place of Birth: Los Angeles, California, U.S. Sign: Scorpio Height: 6 ft Residence: Hollywood, CA, USA Eyes: Blue-green Hair: Blond Profesion: Actor, film producer

How tall is Leo DiCaprio?

How Tall is Leonardo DiCaprio – DiCaprio’s Body Facts. DiCaprio is an incredibly tall celebrity with an unenviable height of 6 feet and 1 inch.
