Was heisst Chips in Amerika?

Was heißt Chips in Amerika?

America [GEOG.] chips Pl. (Brit.) die Pommes frites Pl., kein Sg.

Wie nennen die Amerikaner Chips?

Britisches Englisch oder amerikanisches Englisch?

britisches Englisch amerikanisches Englisch Deutsch
car park parking lot Parkplatz
chips French fries Pommes Frites
course/lesson class Unterrichtsstunde
film movie Film/Kinofilm

Was heißt Radiergummi auf amerikanisch?

eraser [noun] (especially American) something that erases, especially a piece of india-rubber etc for erasing pencil etc.

What is the chips for America Act?

The CHIPS for America Act would make significant federal investments at the Department of Defense, the National Science Foundation, and the Department of Energy to promote semiconductor research and drive chip technology breakthroughs.

Will Samsung and Intel make more American-Made chips?

The U.S. government has also asked Intel and Samsung to produce more American-made chips. Intel is exploring a partnership with the Pentagon. Samsung’s plans are a little murkier, though talks are ongoing. The company’s sole American foundry resides in Austin, Texas. The United States is betting on both the short and long term.

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How stable is the US chip manufacturing footprint?

The U.S. currently maintains a stable chip manufacturing footprint, but the trend lines are concerning. There are commercial fabs in 18 states, and semiconductors rank as our nation’s fifth-largest export.

Will the House pass federal investments in domestic chip technology?

We call on the House to swiftly pass needed federal investments in domestic chip technology and send legislation to the President’s desk to be signed into law. Enactment of these investments would help strengthen America’s economy, national security, technology leadership, and global competitiveness for years to come.”