Was heisst Kammerdiener?

Was heißt Kammerdiener?

Ein Diener (auch Hausdiener oder Kammerdiener, beim Adel oft Leibdiener) ist im herkömmlichen Sinne ein Mitglied des Hausgesindes (veraltet: ein Domestike), der für seinen Arbeitgeber oder Dienstherrn bestimmte häusliche Pflichten erfüllt.

Was macht ein Kammerherr?

Ein Kammerherr (in Österreich und Bayern Kämmerer; mittellateinisch: Cambellanus oder Cambrerius; französisch: Chambellan; englisch: Chamberlain) war Inhaber eines Hofamtes bei einem regierenden Herrscher, also Fürsten, König oder Kaiser.

What is the definition of a butler in English?

Definition of butler. (Entry 1 of 6) 1 : a manservant having charge of the wines and liquors. 2 : the chief male servant of a household who has charge of other employees, receives guests, directs the serving of meals, and performs various personal services. Butler. biographical name (1) But·​ler | ˈbət-lər .

What was the title of the Butler of Ireland?

Butler (surname) Upon returning to England, King John endowed Walter with the hereditary office „Butler to the Lord of Ireland“ in 1177; some evidence indicates that he was also dubbed „Butler of Ireland“. As such, he had the right to pour the King’s wine. This title can be defined as Governor by today’s standards.

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What does the Irish word butuiller mean?

an English occupational name that originally denoted a servant in charge of the wine cellar, from the Norman French word butuiller. It eventually came to be used to describe a servant of high responsibility in a noble household, mostly leaving behind its association with the supply of wine. in Ireland, a noble family and dynasty

Who was Francis Butler?

Early immigration and passenger lists have shown many Irish people bearing the name Butler: Samuel Butler, who landed in America in 1620 [3] Francis Butler, who arrived in Virginia in 1624-1625 [3]