Was ist aus Stephanie Zimbalist geworden?

Was ist aus Stephanie Zimbalist geworden?

Stephanie Zimbalist spielt erfolgreich Theater Insgesamt hat Stephanie bis heute an mehr als 50 Film- und Fernsehproduktionen mitgewirkt und unzählige Rollen am Theater gespielt. Zuletzt war sie in „Living on Love“ im Seven Angels Theater in Connecticut zu sehen.

Wie alt ist Stephanie Zimbalist?

65 Jahre (8. Oktober 1956)
Stephanie Zimbalist/Alter

Hat Stephanie Zimbalist Kinder?

Stephanie Zimbalist hatte mehrere Gastauftritte in Serien wie ‚Crossing Jordan‘ (2003), ‚Nash Bridges‘ (2001) und einigen weiteren Formaten. Sie hat bis heute nicht geheiratet und keine Kinder.

Wie groß ist Stephanie Zimbalist?

1,65 m
Stephanie Zimbalist/Größe

Is Remington Steele a true story?

Remington Steele is the title of an MTM Enterprises production about a supposedly internationally renowned American-based private investigator who actually does not exist. The series programme, which starred Stephanie Zimbalist alongside Pierce Brosnan, ran for almost five years, between 1982 and 1987, on the NBC television network.

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Was Pierce Brosnan originally cast as Remington Steele?

Pierce Brosnan (best known then for his role in The Manions of America) auditioned for the role of Remington Steele but was initially refused by NBC executives who were concerned that Brosnan was a relative unknown in America. MTM’s Stu Erwin stood firm in a face-to-face meeting with NBC executive Brandon Tartikoff and Tartikoff relented.

How did Kelly Ripa get the name Remington?

With her old Remington typewriter and her fandom of the Pittsburgh Steelers American-rules pro football team as the inspirations, she named her fictitious male boss Remington Steele .

Who is Stephanie Zimbalist’s father Efrem on ‚Remington Steele‘?

Stephanie Zimbalist’s father, Efrem, is also an actor. Known for his role on 77 Sunset Strip (in which Efrem also played a private investigator like his daughter), Efrem guest-starred on Remington Steele as Daniel Chalmers…who is later revealed to be Steele’s father.
