Was ist das simple past von Feel?

Was ist das simple past von Feel?

Felt is the past simple of the verb feel: I felt really sad that they had lost all their money.

Was ist die Vergangenheitsform von Sell?


Was ist das simple past von Walk?

Erklärung: Zeitformen – simple past

Verb Simple past
to ask asked
to walk walked
to look looked

Was ist die Simple Past Form von Hear?


Zeitform Person Wortform
simple present he, she, it hears
simple past heard
present participle hearing
past participle heard

Was ist die Simple Past Form von forget?


Zeitform Person Wortform
simple present I, you, they forget
he, she, it forgets
simple past forgot
present participle forgetting

Was ist das simple past von Take?

LESEN:   Was ist das Ether?


I took
you took
he/she/it took
we took
you took

Was ist das simple past von Live?

lived (US-amerikanisch) Grammatische Merkmale: Präteritum (simple past) des Verbs live.

Was sind die drei Formen von Sell?

„to sell“ Konjugation

  • Present. I. sell. sell. sells.
  • Present continuous. I. am selling. are selling.
  • Simple past. I. sold. sold.
  • Past continuous. I. was selling. you.
  • Present perfect. I. have sold. you.
  • Present perfect continuous. I. have been selling. you.
  • Past perfect. I. had sold. you.
  • Past perfect continuous. I. had been selling. had been selling.

Wann benutzt man Sold?

Der Akkusativ – den Sold – wird für das direkte Objekt benutzt. In diesem Kasus steht der Gegenstand des Tuns. Man fragt danach mit: Wen oder was? Ich ignoriere den Sold.

Was ist das simple past von To Want?

want, Partizip Perfekt: want•ed, Partizip Präsens: want•ing. Bedeutungen: [1] wollen, wünschen.