Was ist der patronus von Bill Weasley?

Was ist der patronus von Bill Weasley?

Der Patronus: Die Lehrer & Erwachsenen aus Harry Potter Minerva McGonagall: Katze. Remus Lupin: Wolf. Tonks: erst Hase, dann Wolf. Arthur Weasley: Wiesel.

Wann heiratet Bill Weasley?

Hochzeit von Bill und Fleur
Datum/Daten 1. August 1997

Woher hat Bill Weasley seine Narbe?

Im 6. HP-Teil wird Bills Gesicht von dem Werwolf Fenrir Greyback zerfleischt. Zum Glück wurde er nicht wie Remus Lupin zu einem Werwolf, aber er trug große Narben davon.

In welchem Haus war Bill Weasley?

William Weasley

William Arthur Weasley
Biographische Information
Beschäftigung Fluchbrecher bei Gringotts
Haus Gryffindor
Loyalität Orden des Phönix Familie Delacour Familie Weasley Familie Prewett Hogwartsschule für Hexerei und Zauberei Gryffindor Gringotts Zaubererbank

Ist Bill Weasley ein Werwolf?

When is Harry Potter’s birthday?

Any Potterhead worth their wand will know Harry Potter’s birthday is July 31 and that he was born in 1980. That means that The Boy Who Lived is now a 40-year-old man who is set to celebrate his 41st birthday in the summer of 2021.

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How old is Muriel Potter in Harry Potter?

The Harry Potter Wiki has 5 images related to Muriel. ↑ Muriel says she is 107 on August 1, 1997, however, it is not her birthday. Her birthday could have been, at the earliest, August 2, 1889 – any earlier would make her older than 107 – and July 31, 1890 – any later would make her younger than 107.

What happened to Harry Potter’s parents?

Just a few months after celebrating his first birthday, Harry was left orphaned when his parents Lily and James were brutally killed by Lord Voldemort.

How did Oliver feel about Harry Potter as a seeker?

He immediately saw that Harry’s build was perfect for a Seeker, and impressed upon McGonagall the need for Harry to have a decent broom to fly. Oliver gave Harry his first Quidditch lesson in private, immediately seeing that Harry was a natural flyer on a broomstick.