Was ist der Unterschied zwischen comparative und Superlative?

Was ist der Unterschied zwischen comparative und Superlative?

Adjektive mit zwei Silben bilden den Komparativ entweder, indem -er angefügt wird oder indem dem Adjektiv more voran gestellt wird. Diese Adjektive bilden den Superlativ entweder mit der Endung -est oder indem man dem Adjektiv most voran stellt.

Was ist der Komparativ von boring?

boring → more boring → most boring (langweilig, langweiliger, am langweiligsten)

Was ist die Steigerungsform von interesting?

Adjektiven mit mehr als zwei Silben (z. B. interesting, beautiful, difficult) werden mit more und most gesteigert. Du stellst dabei more oder most vor das Adjektiv.

How to use superlative adjectives in German?

A superlative adjective in English is one with -est on the end of it or most or least in front of it, that is used to compare people or things, for example, thinnest, most beautiful. In German, to say that something or someone is easiest, youngest, most expensive and so on, you add -st to the simple form of the adjective.

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How do you make a superlative with adjectives that end in Y?

If the adjective ends in „y“ you must first swap that for an „i“ before adding -est. Remember, two-syllable adjectives form the superlative by adding -est or using the word „most“ or „least“ before the adjective. Check out a superlatives list with adjectives that end in „y.“

What is an example of a superlative?

Keep reading for superlatives examples with a variety of different endings and uses. You probably know that an adjective (such as big or pretty) describes a noun. When you compare two nouns, you have a comparative adjective (such as big vs. bigger, prettier vs, prettier).

What is the superlative form of the word ‚bad‘?

The worst is the superlative form of bad. It is irregular (bad – worse – the worst). To talk about experiences, superlatives are often used with ever + present perfect tense (see “Beyond the basics” below). The superlative of adjectives with one syllable is formed by adding -est:…

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