Was ist die Abkurzung von LMFAO?

Was ist die Abkürzung von LMFAO?

LMFAO wurde 2007 von Stefan Kendal Gordy alias Redfoo und dessen Neffen Skyler Austen Gordy alias SkyBlu gegründet. In dieser nannte er den Bandnamen Sexy Dudes, worauf sie mit LMFAO antwortete. Das Internet-Akronym steht für „Laughing my fucking ass off“ – sinngemäß: ‚Ich lache mir meinen verdammten Arsch ab‘.

Wie viel Geld besitzt Drake?

Laut seriösen Quellen hat Drake 2021 ein geschätztes Gesamtvermögen von 145 Millionen Euro.

Wie viel verdient Drake pro Album?

Drake hat über 5 Millionen Alben verkauft. Pro verkaufte CD erhalten Künstler heutzutage durchschnittlich $2 und pro iTunes-Download circa 25 Cent. So hat der Rapper mit seinen verkauften Alben also bereits zwischen 1,25 und 10 Millionen US-Dollar verdient.

What does LMFAO stand for?

LMFAO (an initialism for Laughing My Freaking Ass Off) was an American electronic dance music duo consisting of uncle Redfoo and nephew SkyBlu. [3] [4] [5] They respectively are a son and grandson of Motown Records founder Berry Gordy .

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How did LMFAO get famous?

LMFAO began their career in 2006 as part of the electro house club scene in Los Angeles, which at the time featured DJ/producers like Steve Aoki and Adam Goldstein. The duo started building a local buzz through its shows and radio play.

What kind of dance does LMFAO do?

The Australian dance style the Melbourne Shuffle features heavily in the „Party Rock Anthem“ videoclip, fused with US hip-hop dance elements. In 2007, LMFAO attended the Winter Music Conference in Miami, Florida, which the duo says was an experience that inspired their musical and creative style.

Who is the Shuffle Bot on ‚LMFAO‘?

Shuffle Bot. The Shuffle Bot is portrayed by American disc jockey, dancer and rapper Andrew Furr, who won an online shuffling contest that promised the winner a place alongside hip-hop dance group Quest Crew who had joined the LMFAO’s troupe as winners of a dance contest on MTV ’s America’s Best Dance Crew .

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