Was ist eine Druide Religion?

Was ist eine Druide Religion?

Die Druiden waren eine kultische und geistige Elite in der keltischen Gesellschaft und Mythologie. Sie gelten als wichtigste Personen des Kultpersonals der keltischen Religion. Die heute vorliegenden Erkenntnisse stammen überwiegend aus römischen und mittelalterlichen christlichen Quellen.

Was war Miraculix?

Miraculix (frz. Panoramix, lautmalerisch von panoramique, dem frz. Adjektiv zu „Panorama“) ist der Druide des Dorfes; sein deutscher Name ist von „Mirakel“ (aus dem lateinischen miraculum, zu Deutsch „Wunder“) abgeleitet.

Who were the Druids of Irish and Celtic culture?

The Druids of Irish and Celtic Culture. The name Druid strikes a magical note within Irish and Celtic Culture. Inspiring images of magic and ancient monuments, a part of Celtic culture that has endured well beyond the decline of pagan beliefs in Ireland. The Druids were very high ranking and high status members of Celtic society.

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What did St Patrick do for the Druids?

St Patrick also recorded all of the old Druid laws of Ireland, thereby preserving information on the ethics and social structure of the pre-Christian Celtic culture. The fourth and final period began in the sixteenth century with the “rediscovery” of the Druids and their Celtic heritage by European scholars.

What happened to the Druids after the decline of Christianity?

The Druids became less popular but still practiced their ancient Culture for Centuries after Christianity became a major part of European Cultures, On the edge of Europe, Ireland and Britain seemed to hold onto these belief systems stronger then other cultures and even today many Celtic customs survive.

How can we fight Druids?

The only way to fight Druids is with the bold audacity that so characterized Saint Patrick, the Apostle of Ireland, and which even today molds the fiery Celtic souls of those he brought into the Church. The dark passions and superstitions of the neo-Druids must be denounced and overturned.

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