Was ist hyperbole?

Was ist hyperbole?

Bedeutung von “hyperbole” im englischen Wörterbuch. hyperbole. › a way of speaking or writing that makes someone or something sound bigger, better, more, etc. than they are:

What is a hyperbolic statement?

The word hyperbole, from a Greek word meaning “excess,” is a figure of speech that uses extreme exaggeration to make a point or show emphasis. It is the opposite of understatement. You can find hyperbole examples in literature and everyday speech

What is an example of hyperbole in literature?

There is exaggeration, and then there is exaggeration. That extreme kind of exaggeration in speech is the literary device known as hyperbole. Take this statement for example: I’m so hungry, I could eat a horse. In truth, you wouldn’t be able to eat a whole horse. But you use the phrase to show people you’re extremely hungry.

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How can you tell if hyperbole is an exaggeration?

What you will usually say is, “I am so hungry I could eat a horse” but of course you do not really mean eating a horse. It is just a representation of how hungry you are. With that, you can tell that hyperbole is an unreal exaggeration to emphasize real situations.

How do you pronounce hyperboles?

It has a line, called a macron, over the final e: hyperbolē. The macron tells us that the vowel is pronounced like \\ee\\ . The fact that hyperbole is pronounced in a way counter to the usual workings of English pronunciation gives a hint as to the word’s history in the language.

What is the opposite of hyperbole in writing?

Hyperbole Definition. The opposite of hyperbole is litotes, deliberate understatement. In a rhetorical context—meaning, in the context of persuasive speaking and writing—hyperbole is sometimes called auxesis while litotes goes by the name meiosis.

What is the difference between a hyperbole and a simile?

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However, it seems more important to understand the distinction between hyperbole and simile: Hyperbole focuses on exaggeration in order to emphasize a point. Simile focuses on a comparison to provide vivid description and make a reader see something in a new way.