Was ist Intelligenz uberhaupt?

Was ist Intelligenz überhaupt?

So schrieb der deutsche Psychologe William Stern 1912: „Intelligenz ist die Fähigkeit des Individuums, sein Denken bewusst auf neue Forderungen einzustellen; sie ist die allgemeine geistige Anpassungsfähigkeit an neue Aufgaben und Bedingungen des Lebens.

Was gibt es für IQ?

Der Normalbereich liegt zwischen 85 und 115. Das bedeutet, dass die Mehrheit von Personen einen Wert hat, der in diesem Bereich liegt. Werte über 115 sind überdurchschnittlich, Werte unter 85 unterdurchschnittlich, bis 130 normal überdurchschnittlich und darüber hochintelligent.

What did Alfred Binet believe about intelligence?

Today, Alfred Binet is often cited as one of the most influential psychologists in history. While his intelligence scale serves as the basis for modern intelligence tests, Binet himself did not believe that his test measured a permanent or inborn degree of intelligence. According to Binet, an individual’s score can vary.

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Does Binet’s Intelligence Scale measure a permanent degree of intelligence?

While his intelligence scale serves as the basis for modern intelligence tests, Binet himself did not believe that his test measured a permanent or inborn degree of intelligence. According to Binet, an individual’s score can vary.

What is Binet’s test called?

Binet’s Intelligence Test Binet and colleague Theodore Simon developed a series of tests designed to assess mental abilities. The scale they developed became known as the Binet-Simon Intelligence Scale. The test was later revised by psychologist Lewis Terman and became known as the Stanford-Binet.

What did Binet’s research with his daughters help him do?

Binet’s research with his daughters helped him to further refine his developing conception of intelligence, especially the importance of attention span and suggestibility in intellectual development. Despite Binet’s extensive research interests and wide breadth of publications, today he is most widely known for his contributions to intelligence.