Was konnen die Volturi?

Was können die Volturi?

Die Volturi agieren als Wächter und halten die geheime Gesellschaft von Vampiren nach Bedarf von der menschlichen Welt fern. Sie schicken ihre Agenten oft aus Volterra, um zu verhindern, dass übereifrige Gaben Vampire durch die Massenvernichtung jedes anwesenden Vampirs (und aller Menschen) entlarven.

Was können die Vampire in Twilight?

Bella erforscht ihre neuen Sinne als Vampir. Die Sinne eines Vampirs werden ebenfalls stark verbessert, wodurch sie Dinge sehen, hören, riechen, fühlen und schmecken können, die für den Menschen nicht wahrnehmbar sind.

Who are the members of the Volturi?

The equivalent of royalty in the vampire world, the Volturi consists of 5 core members: Aro; Caius; Marcus; Aro’s wife, Sulpicia; and Caius’s wife Megan Marcus’s wife (and Aro’s sister), Didyme, was also a member of the Volturi before she was killed by her brother.

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Why do Volturi travel from Volterra?

The Volturi act as guardians, keeping the secret society of vampires hidden from the human world as needed. They often send their agents to travel from Volterra to prevent overzealous covens from exposing vampires through mass eradication of every vampire (and any humans) present.

How are the Volturi introduced in the Twilight series?

The Volturi are first introduced in New Moon. Near the beginning of New Moon, Edward says to Bella that irritating the Volturi was the perfect way to get yourself slaughtered. When Edward thought Bella killed herself, he goes to Volterra to ask the Volturi to kill him; the Volturi refuse.

What do the Volturi do in the books?

The Volturi act as guardians, keeping the secret society of vampires hidden from the human world as needed. They often send others to travel from Volterra to destroy overzealous covens from exposing vampires through mass eradication of every vampire (and any humans) present.

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