Was macht ein Generalstab?

Was macht ein Generalstab?

Als Generalstab wird in der deutschen Militärgeschichte häufig die Gesamtheit aller speziell ausgebildeten Generalstabsoffiziere bezeichnet, die der obersten militärischen Führung zuarbeiten. Der Generalstab ist heute in den meisten Ländern dem Verteidigungsministerium nachgeordnet. …

Was ist ein Brigadegeneral?

In den Korps dienen sie als Chef des Stabes oder Stellvertretender Chef des Stabes für Operationen. Auf diesem Dienstposten unterstützen sie unmittelbar den Befehlshaber des Korps bei der Führung der Truppe. Einige Brigadegenerale werden in der Truppe auch als militärische Führer von Großverbänden eingesetzt.

What is the meaning of Adjutant General?

In Imperial Russia, the Adjutant general ( Russian: Генерал-адъютант / General-adyutant) was an assistant who attended the Tsar, a field marshal or a general. Adjutant general In India the Adjutant-General is the senior administration officer for the Indian Army and reports to the Chief of Army Staff.

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What was the rank of an adjudant general in the French Revolution?

It was supplemented by the rank of adjudant-commandant in 1800. In 1803 the position was abolished and adjudants-généraux reverted to the rank of colonel. The General Adjutants (generals only) and Wing Adjutants (staff officers only) were used to service the Emperor of the Habsburg Monarchy.

What is the difference between an adjutant and an Rao?

Unlike the RAO (who is an officer of the Adjutant General’s Corps ), the adjutant is a member of the corps or regiment of which their unit is a part. The adjutant’s job is not solely a ‚backroom‘ one, since he usually accompanies the colonel—Captain David Wood, the adjutant of 2 Para, was killed in action at the Battle of Goose Green, for example.

Who was the Adjutant General during the Revolutionary War?

On the 5th of January, 1778, Congress proceeded to the election of an adjutant-general in the room of Colonel Pickering, who was called to the Board of War by Resolution of November 7, 1777, and the ballots being taken, Colonel Alexander Scammel of the New Hampshire Continental Line was unanimously elected adjutant-general. Pickering,

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