Was macht Franco Nero?

Was macht Franco Nero?

Franco Nero (* 23. November 1941 als Francesco Sparanero in San Prospero bei Modena) ist ein italienischer Schauspieler und Regisseur, der vor allem mit seiner Darstellung der Figur Django in Italowestern Bekanntheit erlangte.

Wo lebt Franco Nero heute?

Königreich Italien
Franco Nero/Bisherige Wohnorte

Wer ist die Ehefrau von Franco Nero?

Vanessa Redgraveverh. 2006
Franco Nero/Ehepartner

Wie alt ist Vanessa Redgrave?

84 Jahre (30. Januar 1937)
Vanessa Redgrave/Alter

Wie gross ist Franco Nero?

1,8 m
Franco Nero/Größe

Wo wohnt Vanessa Redgrave?

New York City
Vanessa Redgrave/Bisherige Wohnorte

Wie groß ist Vanessa Redgrave?

Vanessa Redgrave/Größe

Wo lebt Vanessa Redgrave?

Does Vanessa Redgrave have a son?

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Personal life. His romantic involvement with British actress Vanessa Redgrave began in 1966 when they met on the set of Camelot. In 1969, they had a son, Carlo Gabriel Redgrave Sparanero (known professionally as Carlo Gabriel Nero), a screenwriter and director.

What was the name of the movie with Vanessa Redgrave?

In 1966 from Django he went on to appear in eight more films released that year including Texas, Adios (1966) and Massacre Time . In 1967, he appeared in Camelot as Lancelot, where he met his longtime romantic partner, and later on in life his wife, Vanessa Redgrave.

Is Vanessa Redgrave married in Django Unchained?

In 2012, Nero made a cameo appearance in Quentin Tarantino ’s Django Unchained . Nero is known for his ties to the Redgrave family, and has had a long-standing relationship with Vanessa, which began during the filming of Camelot. They were married in 2006.

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Franco and Vanessa first met on the set of Camelot in 1967, and in 1969, they had a son named Carlo. For many years they led separate lives complete with relationships with other people until they were finally reunited and married in 2006.