Was macht in dem Stuck The Entertainer den Ragtime aus?

Was macht in dem Stück The Entertainer den Ragtime aus?

The Entertainer, erschienen im Jahr 1902, ist einer der bekanntesten Rags von Scott Joplin für Klavier solo. Das Stück beginnt mit Klavier-Solo und Gesang, später wird das Klavier von einer Band unterstützt.

Woher stammt der Begriff Ragtime?

Die Bezeichnung kommt von der stark synkopierten Spielweise der Oberstimme („zerrissener Takt“) her und wurde zum ersten Mal 1893 von Fred Stone in seinem Ma Ragtime Baby verwendet. Der Ragtime gilt als wesentlicher Vorläufer des Jazz, seine Blütezeit lag zwischen 1895 und 1915.

How did Scott Joplin learn to play the piano?

Anecdotes relate that the young Scott Joplin gained access to a piano in a white-owned home where his mother worked, and taught himself the rudiments of music. In support of this story, we note its reflection in details of Treemonisha, an opera that Joplin published in 1911.

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When did Scott Joplin write Kismet Rag?

Stark published Felicity Rag in 1911 and Kismet Rag in 1913, two works that Joplin had composed in collaboration with Scott Hayden a decade earlier. In 1912 Stern published Scott Joplin’s New Rag. In 1913 Joplin formed, with his new wife Lottie, his own publishing company, and they issued Magnetic Rag in 1914.

What happened to John Joplin on his tour?

Early in the tour, someone associated with the company stole the box office receipts, seriously damaging the company’s financial position. It was a few weeks later in Pittsburg, Kansas that the tour ended with Joplin unable to meet his payroll.

Where did Scott Joplin live in Texarkana?

They moved to the newly established town of Texarkana, which straddles the Texas-Arkansas border. The Joplins lived on both sides of the border. Anecdotes relate that the young Scott Joplin gained access to a piano in a white-owned home where his mother worked, and taught himself the rudiments of music.

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