Was passiert in der letzten Folge von Dexter?

Was passiert in der letzten Folge von Dexter?

„Dexter“ Finale – das passiert in der letzten Folge: Der grausame Serienkiller Saxon wird wieder eingefangen. Dexter verhört ihn im Miami Metro Police Department – dabei kommt es zu einer Auseinandersetzung und Dexter tötet Saxon. Dexter hat seinen eigenen Tod vorgetäuscht und lebt nun in völliger Isolation.

Wie hat Dexter geendet?

„Dexter“ Finale – das passiert in der letzten Folge: Der grausame Serienkiller Saxon wird wieder eingefangen. Dexter verhört ihn im Miami Metro Police Department – dabei kommt es zu einer Auseinandersetzung und Dexter tötet Saxon.

Wer hat Rita Bennett getötet?

Benz war in den ersten vier Staffeln als Rita Bennett, Dexters Freundin und spätere Ehefrau zu sehen, wurde aber im Finale der 4. Staffel vom Trinity Killer (John Lithgow) brutal ermordet.

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What happened to LaGuerta on ‚DexDexTer‘?

Dexter resolved to murder LaGuerta before Deb got to the storage locker and initiated that final dramatic stand-off. Taking a page out of Quinn’s book, his plan was to make it look like Estrada — who he had just stabbed in the heart — and LaGuerta had shot each other. But Deb walked in just as he was setting up LaGuerta’s body.

Why is lalaguerta so obsessed with the Bay Harbor Butcher?

LaGuerta is also obsessed with the Bay Harbor Butcher since she believes that Doakes is innocent. Maria thought of herself as good friends with Dexter. However, her obsession with the BHB ruined everything. She knew Sergeant James Doakes was on the trail of the Bay Harbor Butcher and the Bay Harbor Butcher is Dexter Morgan.

Who is lalaguerta on the bachelorette?

LaGuerta was a mentor for Deb throughout the seasons. They were the only girls in a boys club. How much do you think this murder will weigh on Debra’s conscience?

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What is LaGuerta’s back story?

Discussions between LaGuerta and Batista in Seasons One and Four give minor insight into LaGuerta’s back story; her family is said to reside entirely in Cuba, and she mentions being alone in a strange land, inferring that LaGuerta was sent to live in America, alone (perhaps in foster care?), by her family. Also in Season One]
