Was passiert mit James in unsere kleine Farm?

Was passiert mit James in unsere kleine Farm?

Inzwischen hat sich Jason Bateman erholt – und mausert sich langsam zum A-Liga-Star. Er war ein bisschen böser Bube in der sonst eher idyllischen US-Fernsehserie „Unsere kleine Farm“: James Ingalls lief weg, tappte in eine Bärenfalle, klaute und wurde angeschossen.

Wie heißen alle Folgen von Unsere kleine Farm?

Staffel 1

Nr. (gesamt) Nr. (Staffel) Deutscher Titel
14 14 Lauras Eifersucht (2)
15 15 Tausche Pony gegen Ofen
16 16 Ehekrach bei Olesons
17 17 Späte Liebe

Wie heißt die letzte Folge von Unsere kleine Farm?

21. März 1983
Unsere kleine Farm/Letzte Folge

Wie viele Folgen von Unsere kleine Farm gibt es?

Am 11. November 1974 lief in Amerika die erste „Unsere kleine Farm“- Folge auf dem Sender NBC. In insgesamt 210 Folgen in zehn Staffeln erlebte Familie „Ingalls“ im Städtchen „Walnut Grove“ in Minnesota so einiges.

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Why did Cassandra and James stay with the Ingalls?

Later, Cassandra broke down at home saying she now hated her uncle and would run away at the first opportunity. When Jed Cooper found out about his illness and the realization that he had made a selfish mistake, in going against the children’s wishes. James and his sister remained with the Ingalls.

Who is Cassandra Cooper Ingalls?

Cassandra Cooper Ingalls was the adopted daughter of Caroline and Charles Ingalls . She has one older brother, James. Cassandra’s parents, Alvin and Sarah Cooper both died in a fatal wagon accident, that story was covered in the two part episode “ The Lost Ones „.

How did Charles and Caroline adopt James and Cassandra?

Cassandra went to get help from Charles, and James was brought to Dr. Baker. Soon after, Charles and Caroline adopted the siblings. After the kids had become well established in the Ingalls‘ household, Cassandra and James‘ uncle, Jed Cooper came to visit them in Walnut Grove.

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What happened to Mrs Ingalls in the wagon?

After many days of mourning, the Ingalls, along with the Cooper children, returned back to Walnut Grove. As they came over to the house, the first thing Cassandra saw was Mrs. Ingalls face. She quickly jumped out of the wagon and ran into Caroline ’s arms. She reminded Cassandra of her own mother.