Was passiert mit Tony Almeida?

Was passiert mit Tony Almeida?

Anthony „Tony“ Almeida war ein Bundes-Agent, der für die CTU Los Angeles gearbeitet hat. Am Tag 5 wurde er in der CTU Klinik von Christopher Henderson schwer verletzt und vermeintlich getötet. Tony überlebt jedoch und trat David Emersons Söldnergruppe für drei Jahre bei.

Wo spielt 24?

Obwohl die achte Staffel in New York City spielt, wurde zur Begrenzung des Budgets nicht dort gedreht, sondern in Los Angeles. Drehort der meisten Außen- und Innenaufnahmen von Live Another Day war London.

Who is Tony Almeida in 24?

Anthony „Tony“ Almeida is the main antagonist in the seventh season and the spin-off series Legacy of 24. He is a former CTU agent who worked with and became good friends with CTU’s finest agent Jack Bauer. Tony was formerly a Scout Sniper and First Lieutenant in the United States Marine Corps before being honorably discharged.

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Who is Tony Almeida on NCIS LA?

Anthony „Tony“ Almeida was a federal agent who worked for CTU Los Angeles from its inception. During that time, he was promoted to CTU Director, and was essential to foiling the terrorist plots on Days 1 and 2; after the latter, he married colleague Michelle Dessler.

What time does Tony Almeida start working for Jack Bauer?

(“ Day 1: 12:00am-1:00am „) During Day 1, Tony Almeida was the third in command at CTU Los Angeles, working under the direction of Jack Bauer and Nina Myers. He had a rivalry with Jack, causing him to be suspicious of Jack’s deviations from protocol throughout the day.

Is Tony Almeida in love with Nina Myers?

Tony Almeida is a systems analyst and third-in-command at the Counter Terrorist Unit ’s Los Angeles headquarters, and is romantically involved with fellow agent Nina Myers. Tony consequently has animosity towards the series‘ protagonist, Jack Bauer, who was formerly in a relationship with Nina.

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