Was sind UHF Frequenzen?

Was sind UHF Frequenzen?

Als Dezimeterwellen, auch dm-Wellenbereich, UHF-Frequenzbereich, UHF-Frequenzband oder UHF-Band (englisch Ultra High Frequency – UHF), bezeichnet man elektromagnetische Wellen mit einer Wellenlänge von einem bis zehn Dezimeter (10 cm bis 1 Meter), was einem Frequenzband von ca. 300 MHz bis 3 GHz entspricht.

Für was steht VHF?

Wissenswertes über das VHF Frequenzband 174 MHz – 230 MHz Die Abkürzung VHF steht für „Very High Frequency“, früher auch schon mal als „Ultrakurzwelle“ bezeichnet. Gemeint ist damit das Frequenzband zwischen 30 MHz und 300 MHz.

Welche Funkfrequenzen sind erlaubt?

4. Die Sache mit den Frequenzen

  • Alles reguliert: Allgemeines zur Frequenznutzung.
  • Zurück in die Zukunft: VHF-Band III, 174 – 230 MHz.
  • Jetzt frei für professionelle Nutzung: 470 – 608 MHz und 614 – 694 MHz.
  • Vergeben: 703 – 823 MHz.
  • Frei für alle: Duplexlücke 823 – 832 MHz.
  • Europaweit frei: 863 – 865 MHz.

What is the difference between a VHF and UHF radio?

In general, VHF radios operate in the 138-174 MHz frequency band and UHF radios operate in the 400-512 MHz frequency band making UHF roughly three times higher in frequency than VHF. One important characteristic of radio waves is the wavelength which is the distance between peaks on a wave:

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What is very high frequency (VHF)?

Very high frequency is the type of radio frequency electromagnetic waves that range from 30 to 300 MHz. anything lower than this is usually known as high frequency, and all those above it are referred to as UHF. When looking for VHF channels on your TV, these are usually numbered from 2 to 13.

What is UHF frequency used for?

UHF is used for TV broadcasts, navigation systems, cell phones, and emergency services, as well as other commercial undertakings requiring 2-way radios. Wi-Fi and Bluetooth devices also utilise UHF frequencies, in addition to other gadgets and devices around the home and the office.

What are UHF TV channels 14 to 83?

UHF TV channels 14 to 83 sit in the band 470 MHz to 890 MHz and cover both analogue and digital television. Amateur Radio Operators sometimes channelise their VHF and UHF frequency allocations for particular purposes such as the input and output of repeaters.

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