Was steht auf dem Sack den Stanley in der Wuste findet?

Was steht auf dem Sack den Stanley in der Wüste findet?

17 Tage überlebte er allein in der Wüste, ehe er gefunden wurde. Er sagte danach, der Daumen Gottes hätte ihn gerettet. Was er damit meinte, wusste jedoch niemand. Nach zwei Wochen im Camp findet Stanley beim Graben seines Lochs ein goldenes Röhrchen mit den Initialen KB.

Was versprach ELYA?

Erst auf der Überfahrt fiel ihm Madame Zeroni wieder ein. Elya hielt den Fluch jedoch für „dummes Gerede“ (S. Er wusste zwar nicht, was genau er sich davon versprach, glaubte aber, den Fluch dadurch bannen zu können (S.

What does Stanley’s nickname Caveman mean?

The name „Caveman“ denotes someone who is tough and uses his fists to get what he wants. All the boys in Holes have their own nicknames while at Camp Green Lake. Stanley receives his nickname in Chapter 9. While in the „Wreck Room“, Stanley accidentally bumps into the camp bully, Derrick, who then tries to instigate a fight with him.

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What did the warden call Stanley in holes?

The warden called Stanley by his nickname, Caveman. All of the boys are called by nicknames instead of their real names at Camp Green Lake. The warden is less interested in the boys’ development than finding buried treasure. When the warden addresses Stanley by his nickname, which the boys have…

How does Stanley’s nickname become cemented into his identity?

The nickname is further cemented into Stanley’s identity after he finds an ancient fossil of a fish in the next chapter. Approved by eNotes Editorial Team.

Why does Stanley like his nickname barf bag?

Stanley decides he likes his nickname. Having a nickname means that he is one of the guys. It isn’t even that bad of a nickname like Barf Bag. The nickname means „they accepted him as a member of the group.“ When Stanley finally meets the warden, everything about her surprises him.