Was versteht man unter Country Musik?

Was versteht man unter Country Musik?

Country ist eine Musikrichtung aus den USA. Um das Jahr 1920 begannen vor allem Einwanderer aus Großbritannien und Irland damit, Volksmusik aus ihrer Heimat mit dem damals beliebten Blues zu verbinden. So entstand die Country-Musik. Country ist das englische Wort für Land, hier im Sinne einer ländlichen Gegend.

Was zeichnet Country Music aus?

Ein typisches Merkmal der Country-Musik sind direkte Texte, die sich oft auf die amerikanischen Lebensverhältnisse beziehen, persönliche Erfahrungen beschreiben, aktuelle Ereignisse kommentieren und nicht selten auch humorvoll sind.

What are the instruments used in country music?

Country music is a special genre that includes a variety of instruments. Modern day country music often utilizes the same band instruments as any other music genre–drums, guitar, bass and piano. The more traditional genre of country music includes instruments such as the banjo, fiddle, string bass,…

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How was country music introduced to the world?

Country music was „introduced to the world as a Southern phenomenon.“ Immigrants to the southern Appalachian Mountains, of the Southeastern United States, brought the folk music and instruments of Europe, Africa, and the Mediterranean Basin along with them for nearly 300 years, which developed into Appalachian music.

What instruments were brought to the United States from Europe?

This instrument is another cultural influence brought about by the massive immigration of Europeans to the US. The sound of an accordion is often used in western or cowboy music. The fiddle is one of the principal country music instruments brought to the US from Great Britain.

What city is known as the birthplace of country music?

The U.S. Congress has formally recognized Bristol, Tennessee as the „Birthplace of Country Music“, based on the historic Bristol recording sessions of 1927.