Was versteht man unter Indie Rock?

Was versteht man unter Indie Rock?

Indie-Rock (auch in der ausgeschriebenen Form Independent Rock oder schlicht Indie geläufig) war ursprünglich Rockmusik im weitesten Sinne des Wortes, die ausschließlich von Independent-Labels vertrieben wurde. des Alternative Rock. Indie-Rock ist mittlerweile massentauglich geworden.

Was macht Indie Pop aus?

Man stelle sich normale Pop Songs im Radio vor – Indie Pop stellt die underground Version davon dar. Es kommt daher immer wieder vor, dass sich moderne Pop-Elemente darin finden, die aber ganz allgemein meist eine tiefere Bedeutung/Stimmung mitbringen.

What is the exact definition of alternative rock?

The definition of alternative rock is music outside of the mainstream that includes elements of various types of music including punk, heavy metal and folk music. A broad category of popular rock music typically regarded as somewhat out of the mainstream and variously including elements of punk rock, heavy metal, folk music, etc.

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What are some good alternative rock stations?

WSAM 105.3 – West Hartford

  • XFM – London
  • Kink FM – Amsterdam
  • Star 101.9 – Hawaii
  • 97x – Tampa
  • 97X – Cincinnati
  • Triple J – Australia
  • 99x – Atlanta
  • Radio Wazee
  • What are the best alternative rock bands?

    The Feelies

  • Big Black
  • The Bongos
  • Rites of Spring
  • Cocteau Twins
  • The Afghan Whigs
  • New Order
  • Happy Mondays
  • Deep Blue Something
  • Chumbawamba
  • What exactly is alternative rock anymore?

    Alternative rock mostly can be defined as the modern day continuation of post-punk, or post-punk can be defined as alternative rock during the New Wave era, and indie rock stays truer to those roots. So of course any direct post-punk influence is major part of what defines indie rock.