Welche Art von Kunst macht Albrecht Durer?

Welche Art von Kunst macht Albrecht Dürer?

Albrecht Dürer ist ein Mann der Superlative. Als berühmtester deutscher Künstler setzt er in der Renaissance mit seinen virtuosen Grafiken Maßstäbe, porträtiert sich schon als 13-Jähriger mit dem Silberstift und bringt damit im Jahr 1484 eine der ältesten bekannten Kinderzeichnungen der Welt zu Papier.

In welchem Stil malte Albrecht Dürer?

Umfassend gebildet. Dürer war umfassend gebildet – typisch für den Renaissancemenschen – und für die damaligen Verhältnisse weit gereist. Obwohl er 17(!) Geschwister hatte, schickte ihn sein Vater in die Lateinschule und machte ihn schon als kleinen Jungen zum Lehrling in seiner Goldschmiedewerkstatt.

What did Albrecht Durer do to become famous?

Albrecht Durer. Albrecht Dürer (May 21, 1471 – April 6, 1528) was a German painter and mathematician who is considered one of the greatest creators of old master prints. He often executed his works in series, including the Apocalypse (1498) and his two series on the passion of Christ , the Great Passion (1498–1510) and the Little Passion (1510–1511).

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What are the main features of Albrecht durers work?

Albrecht Durers work is amazing , looking at the pieces shown here that he had created. He gives a Sense of depth,value , contrast, strong lines strokes and curves to create form. Knowing Durer was a printmaker the process to finish a piece like this would take up a lot of time.

Where did Albrecht Durer do most of his work?

He first visited Italy in 1494, where he was greatly influenced by the artistic works of the Italian Renaissance, particularly the naturalistic ways artists portrayed proportion, perspective, and human anatomy. Dürer eventually returned to Nuremberg where he opened a workshop.

What was Albrecht Durer famous for?

Albrecht Dürer Famous Paintings. Albrecht Dürer (May 21, 1471 – April 6, 1528) was a German engraver, printmaker, painter, theorist, and mathematician from Nuremberg . Even during his twenties, Dürer was able to establish his reputation as one of the greatest artists of the Northern Renaissance .

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