Welche Ausrustung besitzt ein Corporal der 327th?

Welche Ausrüstung besitzt ein Corporal der 327th?

327. Sternenkorps
Mitglieder: „Flash“ „Inc“ CT-41/14-0301 „Barr“ CT-6734 „Galle“
Ausrüstung: Phase-I-Rüstung Phase-II-Rüstung

Wer ist Commander Gree?

Klon-Kommandant CC-1004, genannt Gree, führt das 41. Elitekorps der Republik während der Klonkriege. Die grünen Markierungen auf seiner Rüstung helfen ihm, sich auf Kashyyk, dem waldbedeckten Heimatplaneten der Wookies, zu tarnen, wo er unter Jedi-Meister Yoda im Kampf gegen die Separatisten antritt.

Wer ist Commander NEYO?

Klon-Marschall-Kommandant CC-8826, genannt „Neyo“, war einer der ranghöchsten Offiziere der Großen Armee der Republik. Er kommandierte das 91. Aufklärungskorps, welches 36.864 Soldaten umfasste.

Wie groß ist eine Legion Star Wars?

In der Großen Armee der Republik bestand eine Legion oder Brigade aus 9.216 Klonkriegern und wurde von einem Senior Klon-Kommandanten und einem Jedi-General angeführt.

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Who is commander Deviss?

Commander Deviss (CT-65/CC-6210) was an Elite Clone Officer under the rank of Commander. An example Commander Deviss‘ character model, which is a common promotional image.

Who is general Deviss in the Clone Wars?

He was assigned to Jedi General Tsui Choi in the Jedi General’s respective battalion (though, Deviss is often depicted as being a leader of „K Company“ of the 327th Star Corps. when it became a brigade towards the end of the Clone Wars).

Is commander Deviss in Revenge of the Sith?

His promotional image is commonly used to advertise Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith as well as the Star Wars Saga in general (like with all the main characters). Commander Deviss was originally meant to appear in Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, but his role was declined during production.

What did general Deviss do in the Battle of Altyr?

During the battle, Deviss risked his life to protect two injured soldiers from Confederate spider droids and received a medal after being rescued from behind enemy lines by Republic troops. He went on to fight in the Battle of Altyr V, after which he was promoted to commander for his actions.

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