Welche Folge ist Naruto Hokage?

Welche Folge ist Naruto Hokage?

Der neue Hokage | Folge 197.

Warum hat Kakashi zwei Sharingan?

Der Ursprung seines Sharingans ist allerdings medizinischer Natur: Als Kakashis Teamkamerad Obito Uchiha auf einer Mission tödlich verwundet worden ist, hat er sein Sharingan Kakashi zum Geschenk machen wollen, da dieser sein linkes Auge im Kampf gegen einen Iwa-Nin verloren hat, als er Obito zu Hilfe gekommen ist.

In welcher Folge gibt Obito Kakashi sein Auge?

Folge 385 vom 1.10.2019 | Naruto Shippuden | Staffel 18 | RTL+

In welcher Folge wurden alle hokage wiederbelebt?

Naruto Shippūden – Episode 391: Das Vermächtnis des vierten Hokage – Teil 2 – Narutopedia.

What episode does Kakashi become the Hokage?

Stone Carver’s Assistant “ Kakashi Hatake, the Hokage “ (火影はたけカカシ, Hokage Hatake Kakashi) is episode 219 of the Naruto: Shippūden anime.

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Is Kakashi Hokage stronger than Tsunade?

In the war arc, Kakashi’s feats surpass that of Tsunade’s so Kakashi can be scaled above Tsunade. To put it simply War arc Kakashi is stronger than Tsunade. But he becomes weaker after losing his Sharingan so you could say Tsunade and Kakashi are somewhat relative. How Many Years Was Kakashi Hokage?

Is there an episode where Naruto becomes Hokage?

There a lot of people who even have not watched boruto and are jumping to wrong conclusions that there isn’t a episode where Naruto becomes hokage . Infact there is in boruto next generations episode 18 . It is especially made for it go watch it and stay away from wrong info .

Who won the race between Kakashi and Guy?

Kakashi ultimately wins the race, albeit very closely, and Guy congratulates him on becoming Hokage, claiming that from now on Kakashi would be too busy for their challenges. However, Kakashi tells him that they will always be „eternal rivals“ and that he is happy he is there and would need Guy’s help running the village, leaving Guy in tears.

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