Welche Namen sind ruckwarts gleich?

Welche Namen sind rückwärts gleich?

Palindrome verschiedener Namen

  • Inna – Anni.
  • Aron – Nora.
  • Nila – Alin.
  • Elen – Nele.
  • Nala – Alan.
  • Iris – Siri.
  • Ida – Adi.
  • Ira – Ari.

Wie nennt man einen Namen die man vorwärts und rückwärts lesen kann?

Als Palindrom (altgriechisch παλίνδρομος palíndromos „rückwärts laufend“) werden in der Sprachwissenschaft Wörter, Wortreihen oder Sätze bezeichnet, die rückwärts gelesen genau denselben Text oder zumindest einen Sinn ergeben.

Was ist ein mathematisches Palindrom?

Palindrom-Zahlen sind Zahlen, deren Wert sich nicht ändert, wenn sie von hinten nach vorn gelesen werden. Die ersten Palindrom-Zahlen sind außer den einstelligen 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, 99, 101, 111, 121, 131, …

What is a palindrome and what does it mean?

What is a palindrome? According to The Oxford English Dictionary the word is based on Greek root words meaning “back” and “running.” Palindromes are words or phrases that read the same backward and forward, letter for letter, number for number, or word for word. Some palindromes seem philosophical.

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What is the longest palindrome?

Fun fact: the longest palindrome in use today is said to be the Finnish word „saippuakivikauppias“ which means soapstone vendor. Other fun palindromes include:

What are palindromic words that are spelled backwards?

Semordnilaps (the word palindromes in reverse) are words that spell other words when spelled backwards (for example, star/rats, drawer/reward). Aibohphobia is the palindromic term for an irrational fear of palindromes.

What is a palindromic prime number?

In fact, a palindromic prime is a palindromic number that is a prime number, such as 191 and 313. Palindromes are even seen in molecular biology. Many molecular lengths between 4 and 8 nucleotides are palindromic as they correspond to nitrogenous sequences that read the same forwards as they do backward.