Welche Snare fur Blasmusik?

Welche Snare für Blasmusik?

Im Musikverein haben wir eine Supraphonic LM400 14×5 aus den 70ern und eine Supraphonic LB552 mit Bronze Kessel in 15×6,5 aus den 90ern. Ich selber habe eine Supraphonic LM402 in 14×6,5 aus den 90ern. Alle eignen sich hervorragend für Bigband und Blasmusik.

Warum hat die Snare Drum einen schnarrenden Klang?

Bei einem Großteil der herkömmlichen Snares ist der Snareteppich an der einen Seite im sogenannten „Butt-End“ fest eingespannt, während sich an der anderen Seite ein Hebel befindet, mit welchem sich der Teppich an das Resonanzfell pressen oder von diesem wieder lösen lässt. Dadurch entfällt dann der schnarrende Klang.

What type of instrument is a snare drum?

A snare drum or side drum is a percussion instrument that produces a sharp staccato sound when the head is struck with a drum stick, due to the use of a series of stiff wires held under tension against the lower skin. Snare drums are often used in orchestras [citation needed], concert bands, marching bands, parades, drumlines,…

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How has the snare drum changed over the years?

Further developments appeared in the 17th century, with the use of screws to hold down the snares, giving a brighter sound than the rattle of a loose snare. During the 18th century, the snare drum underwent changes which improved its characteristic sound. Metal snares appeared in the 20th century.

What is the size of a marching snare drum?

Marching snare drums are deeper (taller) in size than snare drums normally used for orchestral or drum kit purposes, often measuring 12 in deep (tall). Orchestral and drum kit snare drum shells are about 6 in (15 cm) deep. Piccolo snare drums are even shallower at about 3 in (7.6 cm) deep.

What is the purpose of the strainer on a snare drum?

The strainer is a lever that engages or disengages contact between the snares and the head, and allows snare tension adjustment. If the strainer is disengaged, the sound of the drum resembles a tom because the snares are inactive.

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