Welche Sprachen spricht Jean Claude Van Damme?

Welche Sprachen spricht Jean Claude Van Damme?

Jean-Claude Van Damme/Sprachen

Wann ist Jean-Claude Van Damme?

Jean-Claude Van Damme, eigentlich Jean-Claude Camille François Van Varenberg (* 18. Oktober 1960 in Sint-Agatha-Berchem bei Brüssel), ist ein belgischer Schauspieler. Er ist vor allem durch seine Actionfilme mit Kampfsporthandlungen (siehe Martial-Arts-Filme) bekannt geworden.

Welche Nationalität hat Jean Claude Van Damme?

Jean-Claude Van Damme, eigentlich Jean-Claude Camille François Van Varenberg (* 18. Oktober 1960 in Sint-Agatha-Berchem bei Brüssel), ist ein belgischer Schauspieler. Er ist vor allem durch seine Actionfilme mit Kampfsporthandlungen (siehe Martial-Arts-Filme) bekannt geworden.

How did Jean-Claude Van Damme win the European Team Karate Championship?

Van Damme’s final match victory enabled his team to win the European Team Karate Championship. In Full-Contact karate, Jean-Claude knocked out England’s Micheal Heming in 46 seconds of the first round. In 1980, Van Damme knocked out France’s Georges Verlugels in 2 rounds of a match fought under kick-boxing rules.

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Who is Jean-Claude Van Damme?

Nicknamed the Muscles from Brussels, Jean-Claude Van Damme is one of the few Belgians to achieve global superstardom in the movies. Thanks to hits like Bloodsport, Universal Soldier and Hard Target, he was one of the biggest action stars around from the late 80s to the mid-90s, and he remains a big fan favourite to this day.

What is Jean-Claude Van Damme’s kickboxing record?

Van Damme has an impressive kickboxing record of 18-1-0, with 18 wins by knockout. For most of these fights, he fought under his birth name of Jean-Claude Van Varenberg. Van Damme’s only defeat in kickboxing was to France’s Etienne Aubry on March 7, 1977 in Marseille, France.

Did Jean-Claude Van Damme win the 1978 or 1979 WAKO World Championships?

Although Jean-Claude Van Damme failed to place in either the 1978 or 1979 WAKO World Championships, he was a member of the 1979 Belgium Team when it won the European Team Championships and a European middleweight Karate champion in his late teens. He won at the Hope Cup, the Cup of Antwerp, The Gala International,…

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