Wer gehort zu Coldplay?

Wer gehört zu Coldplay?

Coldplay ist eine britische Pop-Rock-Band, bestehend aus Chris Martin, Jonny Buckland, Will Champion und Guy Berryman. Sie ist eine der weltweit erfolgreichsten Bands der 2000er Jahre.

Wer ist der Sänger von Coldplay?

Chris Martin

Smart, unangepasst und poetisch: Chris Martin, der Sänger der Kultband Coldplay, hat alles, was man sich nur wünschen kann. Gwyneth Paltrow (l.) „liebt“ die Partnerin ihres Ex-Mannes, Dakota Johnson.

Was hat Chris Martin studiert?

Er hat vier jüngere Geschwister. Martin studierte Alte Geschichte am University College London und arbeitete nebenher als Schildermaler. Auf dem College lernte er 1996 Guy Berryman, Jonny Buckland und Will Champion kennen, mit denen er schließlich Coldplay gründete.

Wie viele Alben hat Coldplay insgesamt?


Studioalben 9
Livealben 5
Kompilationen 4
EPs 15

Why is Coldplay so popular again?

Coldplay’s emergence was perfectly timed: with Radiohead embracing cerebral electronic soundscapes and Oasis further exploring psychedelic experimentation, audiences were hungry for a fresh-faced rock group with big aspirations and an even bigger sound.

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Where did Coldplay record their first album?

With nods from the media, Coldplay were hailed as the next Travis, thanks to their simple acoustics and charming personas. Parlophone ushered Coldplay into Parr St. Studios in Liverpool, where they recorded the bulk of their debut album.

What is Coldplay’s collaboration with the Chainsmokers?

While on the road, Coldplay released „Something Just Like This,“ a collaboration with the EDM-pop group the Chainsmokers that appeared on the Chainsmokers ‚ album Memories: Do Not Open as well as on Coldplay ’s EP Kaleidoscope.

How did Coldplay mature into a global music powerhouse?

After the band’s first three LPs went multi-platinum in several countries, Coldplay continued to mature, topping their early success with higher record sales, an ever-evolving sound that absorbed multiple genres (as heard on 2011’s Mylo Xyloto and 2015’s A Head Full of Dreams ), and record-breaking global stadium tours.