Wer hat den Megahit My Heart Will Go On gesungen?

Wer hat den Megahit My Heart Will Go On gesungen?

Love Theme from Titanic

Besetzung: Frauenchor (SSA) und Klavier
Opt. Besetzung: (SSA)
Ausgabe: Klavierpartitur
Komponist: James Horner

Wie heißt das Lied das beim Untergang der Titanic gespielt wird?

Nearer My God To Thee
Im Film wird zwar „Nearer My God To Thee“ gespielt, wenn das Schiff untergeht. Laut Überlieferung war das letzte Stück auf der sinkenden „Titanic“ aber „Song of Autumn“, das ebenfalls auf der CD zu hören ist.

Welche Instrumente spielen bei My Heart Will Go On?

Drucken Sie Ihre Noten von My Heart Will Go On für Solo-Instrument aus (Saxophon, Trompete, Klarinette, Flöte …) und genießen Sie es, ein Stück von Céline Dion zu spielen!

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What is the theme song in Titanic called?

„My Heart Will Go On“ is the theme song of the 1997 blockbuster film Titanic. With music by James Horner, The poster for „My Heart Will Go On.“ lyrics by Will Jennings, and production by Walter Afanasieff, it was recorded by Celine Dion.

What songs were in the Titanic?

The Titanic (song) Jump to navigation Jump to search. „The Titanic“ (also known as „It Was Sad When That Great Ship Went Down“ and „Titanic (Husbands and Wives)“) is a folk song and children’s song. „The Titanic“ is about the sinking of RMS Titanic which sank on April 15, 1912 after striking an iceberg.

What are the lyrics to the Titanic song?

The Titanic Lyrics. The sun went down in the west. The moon was high above. No warning for what lay ahead. Midnight on the sea. The beginning of a tragedy. People were laughing. Drinking wine.

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What music did the Titanic play?

They played a piano, cello and violin. The two groups worked separately but on the night of the sinking joined together, possibly for the first time. The key person in the Titanic music band was Wallace Hartley .