Wer ist der 2 Alteste Mikaelson?

Wer ist der 2 Älteste Mikaelson?

Elijah Mikaelson Elijah ist der Bruder von Klaus, Finn, Kol und Rebekah, der eine äußerst ehrenhafte und noble Persönlichkeit besitzt. Er ist der zweitälteste Sohn.

In welcher Folge wird Klaus gut?

Vampire Diaries 2×19 Klaus

Episode: Staffel: 2, Episode: 19 (Vampire Diaries 2×19)
Erstausstrahlung der Episode in USA Donnerstag, 21.April 2011 (The CW)
Erstausstrahlung der Episode in Deutschland: Donnerstag, 6.Oktober 2011
Autoren: Kevin Williamson, Julie Plec, Tony Nichols, Cacey Riggan
Regisseur: Joshua Butler

Is Mikael a vampire in the reckoning?

At the end of The Reckoning, Mikael was revealed to be a vampire who hunted vampires. He was later revealed to be an Original Vampire, and the father of the Originals, or, in Klaus‘ case, his step-father.

Who is Mikael in the Vampire Diaries Season 3?

Mikael also appeared as a recurring character in the third season of The Vampire Diaries. He was an Original Vampire and a powerful vampire hunter. Mikael is the father of the Originals, and the father of the vampire race as a whole.

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Why did Mikael turn Finn into a vampire?

Finn, along with Elijah and Kol, however were never subject to as cruel of punishments as Klaus was by Mikael. After the death of Henrik at the hands of the werewolves, Mikael forced their children to drink the blood of a local village girl, Tatia, to begin their transformation into vampires.

What is the relationship between Mikael and Finn Mikaelson?

This is the father-son relationship between the Original Vampires, Mikael and Finn Mikaelson. As Original Vampires, they ironically both shared a hatred of their species. However, unlike Mikael, who violently lashed out and hunted his own kind, Finn grew suicidal and distant as a vampire.