Wer ist der Vater von Spencer Hastings?

Wer ist der Vater von Spencer Hastings?

Herr Hastings dagegen ist wirklich Spencers leiblicher Vater. Er hat also drei Kinder mit drei verschiedenen Frauen gezeugt: Jason DiLaurentis mit Jessica DiLaurentis, Melissa Hastings mit seiner Frau – und Spencer mit Mary Drake, Zwillingsschwester von Jessica DiLaurentis.

Wer ist der Vater von Cece Drake?

Familie: Mary Drake (Mutter) Ted Wilson (Vater)

Wer sind die Eltern von Spencer Hastings?

Mary Drake
Spencer Hastings/Eltern
Mary Drake (biologische Mutter) Veronica Hastings (Adoptivmutter) Alex Drake (Zwillingsschwester)

Wie ist Emily Fields Vater gestorben?

hat Herzprobleme (enthüllt)

Ist CeCe Drake ein Junge?

Denn Cece Drake ist in Wahrheit als Junge geboren worden. Gebürtig hieß sie Charles Dilaurentes. Die Dilaurentes konnten nicht akzeptieren, dass Cece Transsexuell ist und wiesen Cece in Radley ein mit der Begründung, dass sie ihre Schwester Alison ertränken wollte, obwohl Cece sie nur badete.

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Who is Spencer Hastings from Pretty Little Liars?

You may be looking for Spencer Hastings (Book Character). How lucky am I to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard? Spencer Jill Hastings is one of the Liars and main protagonists of Pretty Little Liars on Freeform. She is portrayed by Troian Bellisario .

How old was Spencer Hastings when she was born?

Spencer Hastings was born on April 11, 1994, at Radley Sanitarium. Her birth mother, Mary Drake, was a patient at Radley while she was pregnant. Jessica, Mary’s sister, told Veronica Hastings that Mary was pregnant with Veronica’s husband, Peter Hastings’s child.

What is the relationship between Melissa and Spencer Hastings?

She is part of the extremely rich, powerful, old family Hastings; Spencer’s parents, Veronica and Peter, are both linked to politics and her sister, Melissa, is likewise intelligent and uses her sarcasm and success to affect Spencer psychologically whenever possible.

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Where did the Hastings family grow up in friends?

Grew Up… in Rosewood, Pennsylvania. The Hastings household – comprised of parents Veronica and Peter, along with Spencer and her sister Melissa – has always been as competitive as they are wealthy. Spencer had an affluent childhood but was always (and remains) in competition with her older sister Melissa.