Wer spielte Luna Lovegood?

Wer spielte Luna Lovegood?

Evanna LynchLuna Lovegood / Gespielt vonEvanna Patricia Lynch ist eine irische Schauspielerin, ein Model sowie vegane Aktivistin. Sie wurde durch ihre Rolle als Luna Lovegood in den Verfilmungen der Harry-Potter-Romane bekannt. Wikipedia

Wo wohnt Evanna Lynch?

County Louth
Evannas Familie (Vater Donal, Mutter Marguerite, ihre ältere Schwester Emily und Schwester Máiréad und Bruder Patrick Lynch) lebt in Termonfeckin, County Louth, einem kleinen Ort an der Ostküste Irlands.

In welchem Haus ist Luna Lovegood?

Lunas Elternhaus liegt in den Hügeln, die Ottery St. Catchpole in der Grafschaft Devon, umgeben. In dieser Gegend lebt auch die Familie von Cedric Diggory, sowie die Fawcetts und die Weasleys.

Who is Evanna Lynch?

Evanna Lynch. Evanna Patricia Lynch is an Irish actress. Born in the town of Termonfeckin in Ireland, she is one of four children to Donal and Marguerite Lynch. Her acting career began in 2007 when she competed in an open audition against nearly 15,000 girls, and won the coveted role of Luna Lovegood in the „Harry Potter“ movie franchise.

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What was evevanna Lynch’s first movie?

Evanna Lynch’s first film appearance was in the 2007 dream film ‘Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix,’ the fifth film of the Harry Potter arrangement. Coordinated by David Yates, the film likewise featured entertainers Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Emma Watson, Helena Bonham Carter, Robbie Coltrane, and Warwick Davis. 7.

Is evevanna Lynch married to boyfriend?

Evanna Lynch is not yet married and currently, she is not engaged in any relationship. Previously, she dated Robbie Jarvis, who is a co-star of her in the Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix as James Potter. She has been in a relationship with Robbie Jarvis from 2013 to 2016. However, the relationship with her boyfriend didn’t sustain long.

How old was Evanna Lynch when she was cast as Luna?

After auditioning against 15,000 other girls, and a subsequent screen test with lead actor Daniel Radcliffe, she was cast at age 14. Producers were impressed with her affinity for the character; David Heyman said: „The others could play Luna; Evanna Lynch is Luna.“

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