Wer spricht bei den Trolls?

Wer spricht bei den Trolls?

Trolls (2016)

Schauspieler Rolle Synchronsprecher
Anna Kendrick Poppy Lena Meyer-Landrut
Zooey Deschanel Bridget Friederike Walke
Justin Timberlake Branch Mark Forster
Christopher Mintz-Plasse Prinz Gristle Nic Romm

Wer spricht Poppy von Trolls?


Rolle Originalsprecher Deutscher Sprecher
Prinzessin Poppy Anna Kendrick Lena Meyer-Landrut
Branch Justin Timberlake Mark Forster
Bridget Zooey Deschanel Friederike Walke
Prinz/König Gristle Christopher Mintz-Plasse Nic Romm

Wo leben die Trolls?

Nach der nordischen Mythologie hausen die Riesen und Trolle in Utgard, während die Menschen in Midgard und die Asen in Asgard leben.

Wer spricht die Stimmen in Trolls?

Anzahl Sprechrollen: 18

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Darsteller Sprecher Rolle
(Mike Mitchell) Hubert Burczek Chad
(Mike Mitchell) Wolfram M. Kons Cpt. Starfunkle
(Mike Mitchell) Daniele Rizzo Darius
(Walt Dohrn) Marius Clarén Wolke

Wie viele Teile gibt es von Trolls?

Dieses Boxset enthält beide Filme: „Trolls“ und „Trolls World Tour“. Die „Trolls“ sorgten 2016 für den großen weltweiten Hit von DreamWorks Animation, nun kehren sie mit „Trolls World Tour“ endlich in einem neuen Abenteuer voller Musik, Spaß und Glitzer zurück.

Wer singt Poppy?

Anzahl Sprechrollen: 18

Darsteller Sprecher Rolle
(Anna Kendrick) Lena Meyer-Landrut Poppy
(Justin Timberlake) Mark Forster Branch
(Zooey Deschanel) Friederike Walke Bridget
(Christopher Mintz-Plasse) Nic Romm Prinz Gristle

What are the names of the trolls in the movie Trolls?

In some versions of the movie, Harper is referred to as „Painter Troll“, while Aspen, Moxie, Cookie and Mandy are left unnamed despite their voice actors being credited as having spoken lines.

How did the Trolls escape from the trolls?

The Trolls, led by their king, King Peppy, with his baby daughter, Princess Poppy, escape through tunnels on the day of Trollstice, when Prince Gristle was going to eat his first Troll. Enraged, Prince Gristle’s father King Gristle Sr. banishes his Chef, who was in charge of preparing for Trollstice.

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What is the name of the movie with the dolls?

Trolls is an 2016 American 3D computer-animated musical comedy film based on the dolls of the same name by Thomas Dam. It is being directed by Mike Mitchell and co-directed by Walt Dohrn, produced by Gina Shay, and written by Jonathan Aibel, Glenn Berger, and Erica Rivinoja.

What is the plot of Princess Poppy and the trolls?

20 years after the Trolls escaped from the Bergens, who eat Trolls as they believe it makes them happy, Princess Poppy throws a party that attracts the attention of banished Bergen Chef, who captures her friends.