Wer totet Berthold?

Wer tötet Berthold?

Allerdings unternimmt niemand etwas, um Berthold zur Hilfe zu eilen und dieser wird daher mit panischen Schreien nach einem letzten Hilferuf an Annie und Reiner von Armin gefressen und getötet.

Wie verschwindet der kolossale Titan?

Da er seine Manöver-Ausrüstung nicht im Fleisch des Kolossalen Titanen verankern kann, verankert er sie stattdessen in den seinen Zähnen. Tatsächlich gelingt es ihm dadurch, sich weiterhin festzuhalten während der Kolossale Titan seinen Dampf ausstößt, er wird allerdings von der Hitze des Dampfs völlig verbrannt.

How does Bertholdt feel about his 104th former friends?

Bertholdt does not show complete disregard for the human race and his 104th former friends. He showed panic and slight tears when he, Reiner, and Annie left Marco Bodt to die. When confronted by Armin, he refers to his former friends as „precious comrades“ and repeatedly states that they are not at fault.

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Who is Bertholdt Hoover from attack on Titan?

Attack on Titan‘ Profile: Bertholdt Hoover. Do you like this video? Bertholdt Hoover is a graduate of the 104th Cadet Corps, wherein he was ranked 3rd, and is a childhood friend of Reiner Braun.

How does Bertholdt react when he sees Annie?

Seeing Annie, Bertholdt blushingly denies the relation. Sitting nearby on a bench, Annie tells him that the others are supposed to meet up here once he is found. He apologizes for causing them trouble. Annie says he had always liked die-cutting, so she had a hunch he would be there, to his amazement that she remembered.

What happens to Bertholdt after his Titan attack?

Immediately after his attack, Bertholdt reverts to his human self, while Titans enter the city from outside the walls, resulting in the population being set on by them. After exiting his Titan, Bertholdt comes in close proximity with a Pure Titan, but is ignored as it instead entered Shiganshina District.

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