Wie alt ist Carlisle in Twilight?

Wie alt ist Carlisle in Twilight?

Carlisle Cullen Er ist der Gründer des Cullen-Clans. Geboren wurde er um 1640 in London. Sein Vater war ein Priester, der mit brutalen Mitteln gegen vermeintliche Hexen, Vampire und andere Wesen vorging. Als Carlisle mit 23 Jahren einen echten Vampir jagte, wurde er von ihm gebissen und somit verwandelt.

Wann wurde Carlisle geboren?

Carlisle Cullen war der Sohn eines anglikanischen Pfarrers. Er wurde im Jahre 1640 in einer Zeit des religiösen und politischen Umbruches in London geboren.

Who is Carlisle Cullen in the Twilight books?

He’s an asset to the community…“ Carlisle Cullen (pronounced Car-lyle) was born in 1640 in London, England and is the founder and leader of the Olympic coven. He is the second husband of Esme Cullen and the adoptive father of Emmett, Alice, Edward Cullen, and Jasper and Rosalie Hale.

What happened to Carlisle after he turned into a vampire?

In the ensuing pandemonium that followed, Carlisle was brutally attacked and bitten. Fearing the reaction and possible reprisal of the elders, Carlisle hid in a potato cellar for three days while he transformed. When he emerged as a vampire three days later, he was disgusted and horrified by what he had become.

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Why did Carlisle change Edward in Twilight?

Her son, Edward, was dying of influenza as well. Elizabeth Masen begged Carlisle to do anything within his power to save her son as she lay dying. Out of loneliness, and armed with the knowledge that Edward was alone in the world, he changed him, making him his companion.

What is Emmett Cullen’s real name in Twilight?

Emmett Cullen. Emmett Cullen (born Emmett Dale McCarty) is Rosalie Hale’s husband, Carlisle and Esme Cullen’s adopted son, and Edward and Alice Cullen, as well as Jasper Hale’s adoptive brother. Emmett is tall, burly, extremely muscular, and, to most humans, the most intimidating of his adoptive siblings.