Wie alt ist der Tom Selleck?

Wie alt ist der Tom Selleck?

76 Jahre (29. Januar 1945)
Tom Selleck/Alter

Was spielte Tom Selleck?

Er wurde 1980 als Thomas Magnum in der gleichnamigen Fernsehserie bekannt und spielte seitdem in zahlreichen Filmen wie Quigley der Australier, Noch drei Männer, noch ein Baby oder In & Out und Fernsehproduktionen wie Friends oder Blue Bloods – Crime Scene New York mit.

Wo spielte Tom Selleck mit?


Jahr Titel Rolle
1996 Jesse Stone – Staffel 1 Jesse Stone
1995 Friends – Staffel 2 Dr Richard Burke
1992 Christopher Columbus: Der Entdecker le Roi Ferdinand
1992 Mr. Baseball Jack Elliot

Wie groß war Tom Selleck?

1,93 m
Tom Selleck/Größe

Wann ist Tom Selleck geboren?

29. Januar 1945 (Alter 76 Jahre)
Tom Selleck/Geburtsdatum

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Wo wurde Tom Selleck geboren?

Detroit, Michigan, Vereinigte Staaten
Tom Selleck/Geburtsort

Was macht heute Tom Selleck?

Heute lebt Tom Selleck mit seiner Familie in Thousand Oaks-Westlake Village, Kalifornien, auf einer 24 Hektar großen Avocadofarm.

Wo wohnt Tom Selleck?

Sherman Oaks
Tom Selleck/Bisherige Wohnorte

Wo lebt Tom Selleck heute?

Wo ist Tom Selleck geboren?

How did Tom Selleck get his big break?

American actor and producer Tom Selleck got his big break after a long wait when he was cast for the lead role in the crime drama television serial ‘Magnum, P.I.’ (1980 – 1988). His interest in firearms and outdoors made him an ideal star for thrillers and western movies.

What did Bess Armstrong say about Tom Selleck?

— Keith Loh Tom Selleck takes you on a high adventure! Actress Bess Armstrong once said of her co-star Tom Selleck whilst doing publicity for the picture: „He is real gorgeous, and he has some real power now, but he doesn’t use that, or his charm, to exploit women.

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Does Tom Selleck actually like women?

Actress Bess Armstrong once said of her co-star Tom Selleck whilst doing publicity for the picture: „He is real gorgeous, and he has some real power now, but he doesn’t use that, or his charm, to exploit women. He genuinely seems to like women. For an actor, that’s rare“.

Who makes the perfect sidekick for Tom Selleck?

I was never a Tom Selleck fan, but as Patrick O’Malley, he makes the perfect flying daredevil – a hard drinker who has trouble showing that he has a heart. The late Jack Weston, who was one of the better character actors of our modern times, is perfectly cast as the sidekick mechanic Struts.
