Wie alt ist Thomas Jane?

Wie alt ist Thomas Jane?

52 Jahre (22. Februar 1969)
Thomas Jane/Alter

Wie alt ist der Punisher?

In dieser Serie ist er beinahe sechzig Jahre alt, aber in einem äußerst guten körperlichen und gesundheitlichen Zustand. Dieser Punisher war laut Autor Ennis während dreißig Jahren als Verbrechensbekämpfer unterwegs und hat tausende von Menschen umgebracht.

Wie groß ist Thomas Jane?

1,8 m
Thomas Jane/Größe

Wann kam Punisher raus?

Marvel’s The Punisher

Genre Action, Drama
Idee Steve Lightfoot
Musik Tyler Bates
Erstausstrahlung 17. November 2017 (USA) auf Netflix

Wo wohnt Jon Bernthal?

Washington, D.C.
Jon Bernthal/Bisherige Wohnorte

Who is the Punisher in the Punisher?

When Frank Castle’s family is murdered by criminals, he wages war on crime as a vigilante assassin known only as The Punisher. When Frank Castle’s family is murdered by criminals, he wages war on crime as a vigilante assassin known only as The Punisher.

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Who are the actors in Punisher War Zone?

See full summary » Director: Corey Sosner | Stars: Jose Alica, Angel Arce, Tommy Carbone, Wallace Carter Jr. 7. Punisher: War Zone (2008) Error: please try again. Frank Castle, known as the Punisher, ruthlessly demolishes organized crime, but it starts an even bigger war.

Who is the Punisher played by Shawn Baichoo?

Expect no deals and no mercy as Frank Castle (Shawn Baichoo) pursues his brutal crusade of justice against drug lord, Dominic Duran and his psychotic lieutenant, Vinny Rizzo after they See full summary » 6. Punisher: First Round (2005)

Who is Dolph Lundgren in the Punisher?

Based on the Marvel Comic, Dolph Lundgren is Frank Castle an ex-cop who lives in the sewers and acts as judge, jury, and executioner to the city’s criminals in retaliation for the unpunished murders of his wife and kids.