Wie alt ist Vegeta in Dragon Ball Super?

Wie alt ist Vegeta in Dragon Ball Super?

Vegeta wurde im Jahr 732 als Sohn von König Vegeta geboren. Über seine Mutter ist bisher nichts bekannt. Einzig allein in einem Dragon Ball Special erfährt man mehr über seine Kindheit.

Wie alt ist Goku in DBS?

Alter. Son Goku ist in Dragonball Super aktuell 43 Jahre alt, physisch jedoch 39 durch die Zeit, die er im Raum von Geist und Zeit und im Jenseits verbrachte. Am Anfang von Dragonball war er 12 Jahre alt, am Ende der Serie ist er 19 Jahre alt.

Ist Vegeta gut oder böse?

Vegeta, der perfekte Antiheld. Der Prinz der Saiyajin entwickelte sich vom Schurken zum Antihelden und letztendlich zu einer (relativ) guten Person – auch dank Son-Goku. Der Grund, wieso Vegeta so viele Fan-Herzen für sich gewinnen konnte, war, dass wir ihn im Laufe der Geschichte immer besser kennenlernten.

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Why did Vegeta and Bulma’s marriage fail?

In Vegeta and Bulma’s marriage weird things like that happen a lot. Of all the couples in Dragon Ball, there is no doubt that Vegeta and Bulma were the most unlikely pairing of the bunch. Vegeta’s irritable, self-centered attitude seemed like it would never work with someone as friendly and outspoken as Bulma.

What does Vegeta think of Bulma in DBZ?

In the game, Dragon Ball FighterZ, Vegeta refers to Bulma as a fine wife aside from her temper but this embarrasses him as he speaks to the player. He also states the one battle he has no defense against is a tirade from an Earth woman, specifically Bulma.

What is the age difference between Bulma and Vegeta?

It can be hard to tell what age Saiyans are since they stay in their prime for so long, but believe it or not, when Vegeta first showed up, he was only a year older than Bulma. She was 29, while Vegeta was 30. Due to Vegeta’s fixation on training, that age gap between them has increased by an additional five years.

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Why did Vegeta give Krillin the Dragon Ball?

Vegeta offers to spare Krillin and Bulma if the Dragon Ball is given to him, which Krillin obliges and Vegeta leaves in a good mood. When he runs into Gohan, who questions where he got the Dragon Ball from, Vegeta admits he got it from Krillin and Bulma, whom he refers to as a beautiful girl.