Wie alt war Daniel Gillies bei TVD?

Wie alt war Daniel Gillies bei TVD?

45 Jahre (14. März 1976)
Daniel Gillies/Alter

In welchen Filmen und Serien spielt Daniel Gillies?

12 Filme & 7 Serien mit Daniel Gillies

  • 7.9. Serie. The Originals. USA | 2013 – 2018.
  • 6.5. Film. Spider-Man 3. USA | 2007.
  • 6.4. Film. Spider-Man 2. USA | 2004.
  • 3.8. Film. Trespassing. USA | 2004.
  • 4.6. Film. Captivity. USA | 2007.
  • 7.1. Serie. Vampire Diaries. USA | 2009 – 2017.
  • 7.2. Serie. Saving Hope. Kanada | 2012 – 2017.
  • 6.2. Serie. Virgin River.

Wo lebt Daniel Gillies jetzt?

Daniel Gillies/Bisherige Wohnorte

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Hat Daniel Gillies Kinder?

Charlotte Easton Gillies
Theodore Vigo Sullivan Gillies
Daniel Gillies/Kinder

Hat Daniel Gillies eine Frau?

Rachael Leigh Cookverh. 2004–2021
Daniel Gillies/Ehepartner

Wo spielt Daniel Gillies überall mit?


Jahr Titel Rolle
2013 The Originals – Staffel 1 Elijah Mikaelson
2012 Saving Hope – Staffel 1 Dr Joel Goran
2012 Vampire Diaries – Staffel 4 Episoden 4 – 18 – 19 – 20 Elijah
2011 Vampire Diaries – Staffel 3 Elijah

Sind Paul Wesley und Daniel Gillies zusammen?

Wenn ich eine Frau wäre, dann würde ich mich in ihn verlieben.“ Diese Aussage revidiert Paul Wesley schnell wieder und fügt hinzu: „Ach, ich bin keine Frau und bin trotzdem in Daniel Gillies verliebt. Er ist einfach perfekt.“ So viel lobende Worte vom Frauenschwarm Paul persönlich? Das klingt nach tiefer Sympathie!

Wer ist die Freundin von Daniel Gillies?

Gillies heiratete 2004 die Schauspielerin Rachael Leigh Cook und gab nach 14 Jahren Ehe in einem gemeinsamen Statement mit seiner Ex-Frau die Trennung bekannt. Im September 2013 wurde ihre erste gemeinsame Tochter geboren. Am 9. April 2015 bekamen sie ihr zweites Kind.

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Ist Daniel Gillies verheiratet?

Wo wohnt Daniel Gillies 2021?

Im Juni 2019 gab das Paar seine Trennung nach 14 Ehejahren bekannt. Die Familie lebt mit drei Hunden und zwei Katzen in Los Angeles.

How old is Daniel Gillies now?

Daniel Gillies was born on 14 March 1976 in Winnipeg, Canada and moved to New Zealand at a young age. Though born into a family of strong medical background (his father is a pediatrician, his mother a nurse, and his great-great-great-grandfather is the renowned ENT/plastic surgery pioneer Sir Harold Gillies), he became interested in acting and

What is Daniel Gillies‘ personal style?

The Vampire Diaries alum Daniel Gillies has opened up about his personal style, and put his muscular physique on display for a new photoshoot. The actor appeared on the cover of the latest issue of Mr. Warburton , and went shirtless while posing on location in West Hollywood.

Who is Daniel Gillies from Saving Hope?

Daniel Gillies had joined the Auckland Theatre Company and took part in many of their production. He has made his debut in a New Zealand television series named “Street Legal” and it was a big turning point for him. He got a big role and Daniel got selected for the role in the Canadian medical drama series ‘Saving Hope’.

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What is the background of Michael Gillies?

Though born into a family of strong medical background (his father is a pediatrician, his mother a nurse, and his great-great-great-grandfather is the renowned ENT/plastic surgery pioneer Sir Harold Gillies), he became interested in acting and See full bio » Show by… Job Year » Rating » Number of Ratings » Genre » Keyword »