Wie alt war Justin Timberlake bei NSYNC?

Wie alt war Justin Timberlake bei NSYNC?

40 Jahre (31. Januar 1981)
Justin Timberlake/Alter

Warum trennten sich nsync?

Letztlich erweist sich das komplizierte Vertragswerk aber als Rohrkrepierer: 1999 trennen sich ‚N Sync wegen angeblicher Vertragsverletzung von BMG und wechseln zu Jive, worauf die erbosten Bertelsmänner mit einer (erfolglosen) 150 Millionen Dollar-Klage reagieren.

Wie alt sind nsync?

*NSYNC (oft auch ‚N SYNC, NSYNC oder N’Sync geschrieben) war eine US-amerikanische Boygroup….

Genre(s) Pop, Dance-Pop, R&B
Gründung 1995
Auflösung 2002
Letzte Besetzung

Why did *NSYNC go on hiatus?

In 2002, *NSYNC, the boy band of our collective pre-teen dreams, decided to go on hiatus at the height of their career. Lance Bass, JC Chasez, Joey Fatone, Chris Kirkpatrick and Justin Timberlake were stretched a little too thin and in need of some R&R, fans were led to believe.

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How did NSYNC get its name?

NSYNC received its name after Justin Timberlake ’s mother commented on how „in sync“ the group’s singing voices were. The group’s name is also a play on the last letter of each of the initial members‘ names: JustiN, ChriS, JoeY, JasoN, and JC.

What happened to *NSYNC’s Lance Bass?

Turns out, Lance Bass, JC Chasez, Joey Fatone and Chris Kirkpatrick weren’t necessarily ready to say bye, bye, bye when the group called it quits. In 2002, *NSYNC, the boy band of our collective pre-teen dreams, decided to go on hiatus at the height of their career.

Who wrote *NSYNC’s songs?

Chasez produced and wrote multiple *NSYNC songs, and admitted the studio is still his safe haven. And Bass said he spent a good portion of his time off in Nashville writing lyrics for what he thought would be the band’s next album.